Fried rice with almonds.

How can I do?

Boil a large pot of water. Add in the rice and miso cubes. Take bring to a boil 5 minutes to the back. (Normally the cooking time for a quick rice is 10 minutes).

In a wok, heat the two oils and fry the onion. Add sugar peas and let it brown a few moments. Then add about 10 c. in s. water for cooking rice and tamari sauce. Add the half-cooked rice, chili paste and lemongrass, finely chopped. Cover the wok and cook for 5 minutes.

Mix the almonds and before serving.


  • 120g brown rice
  • Eating beans 150g
  • all
  • 1 handful of almonds
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 cube Miso
  • 1 cup to cup bell pepper puree
  • 1 cup on s. Olive oil
  • 1 cup on s. Sesame oil
  • 8 cups to s. Tamari sauce
  • 1 stalk lemongrass

Total time: Preparation + cooking time: 35 minutes
Yield: 2 people