Farfalle with pink mortar.

How can I do?

Cook the pasta in a large pot of salted water.

Cut sliced ​​beets and zucchini into cubes. Place vegetables in a Chinese (fine sieve).

When cooked pasta, dip the Chinese a few minutes in the water to warm vegetables.

Mix the vegetables with rice milk and pepper and the gomasio.

Serve with beetroot Farfalle crowned, decorate with strands
Chives and a pinch of yeast flakes.

  • 250g Farfalle half
  • Complete
  • 250g cooked beetroot
  • 250g courgettes
  • 60 g rice pudding
  • 1 cup chopped gomasio
  • Pepper
  • Chives

Total time: Preparation + cooking time: 30 min
Yield: 4 people