Crispy Quinoa and sauteed carrots.

How can I do?

Boil a pot of water, then pour the quinoa and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.

When the quinoa is cooked, pour into a bowl and add the tomato sauce, shoyu, pepper, coriander and oregano. Mix well.

In a small baking dish, enjoy the oats in a little water for a few minutes, then add the mixture and stir until a paste result.

Take 3 tablespoons of preparation and in a baking dish pour in the applatissant good for this to take the form of wafers. Invert the ramekins oil in a wok, being careful not to break the meatballs.

Cut the carrots into small cubes. In a pan with garlic with a dash of olive oil, add carrots and salt. Cook covered on low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally so it does not stay.

Halfway carrots, heat covered patties 5 minutes on each side.


  • 50g Quinoa
  • 1 cup chopped tomato coulis
  • 2 cup coffee Tamari
  • 1 cup of coffee peppers
  • 1 cup of coffee coriander
  • 1 cup of coffee oregano
  • 60g rolled oats
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Salt Herbamare

Total time: Preparation + cooking time: 40 min
Yield: 2 people