Black bean hoisin sauce.

Black bean hoisin sauce easy vegan recipe

150g black beans, soaked the night before
300g white cabbage, finely chopped
3 carrots, thinly sliced
2 shallots, chopped
Crushed garlic 1 clove
2cm grated fresh ginger
2 c. in s. cornstarch
1/2 liter of vegetable broth
2 c. in s. hoisin sauce
some sugar
4 c. in s. soy sauce
1 c. in s. Oil

Cover the beans fresh water, salt and cook at a rolling boil for 40 minutes (check for doneness, as it varies depending on how dry beans).

Heat oil in a wok and sauté the shallot, and garlic and ginger. Add cabbage and carrots, soy sauce and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Add the drained beans, hoisin sauce, broth, sugar, pepper and a little salt if necessary. Simmer for ten minutes more. Now mix the cornstarch with a little water and add to the sauce to thicken. Serve over rice or egg rolls.