Vegetarianism & Veganism… It’s good for your health!.

The health benefits of vegetarianism (including strict vegetarianism or veganism) are considerable … The vegetarians and vegans diets help foster a lifetime in good health and provide protection against numerous diseases, including the three conditions the deadliest of our western civilization: cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke!



Belief postulating that meat is good for health is a myth!

Human beings are not naturally carnivores, but are much closer to herbivores. Our digestive system is not absolutely designed to digest meat! Our gut is particular far too long, and the meat is much too long in the body, which creates soaking and putrefaction problems…

More and more studies and research around the world confirm that a diet of meat and other animal products is harmful to health, and provide scientific evidence that a balanced vegetarian or vegan diet is entirely beneficial for health benefits!

It is understandable that you can doubt in it, seeing that French organizations and food studies related to our health are mostly funded by the meat industry and the dairy industry! Although this is beginning to change a little, the French lobbies meat and milk are particularly strong in our country, and do pass their message … while various studies worldwide showing the benefits of a vegetarian diet, are rarely, or very bad broadcast in France.

Notably, the American Dietetic Association, an independent institution of any association of vegetarian or animal protection organizations, and whose opinions throughout the medical field in terms of dietetics and the Dietitians of Canada (these two organizations bring together 70,000 dietitians!), published their Official Position, based on more than 250 scientific studies! (These studies are listed at the end of their report):

  • “Vegetarian and vegan diets appropriately well conducted are healthy, nutritionally adequate, and beneficial for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. […]
  • The vegetarian and vegan well planned supplies are appropriate for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation. Planned adequately, they meet the nutritional needs of infants, children and adolescents, and contribute to normal growth. […]
  • Because of a growing interest in vegetarianism and thanks to the nutritional benefits of such a diet, the development of supply daily vegetarian should be encouraged. “

Based on many scientific studies for years, the report of the American Dietetic Association confirms the beneficial effect (proven and documented) of vegetarian and vegan diets on risk reduction and prevention of the following diseases:

  • Cancers (colon, prostate)
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes (type 2)
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Gallstones
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Diseases of the colon (diverticulitis)
  • Kidney disease

All these diseases affect far fewer vegetarians and vegans. Some numerical examples based on epidemiological studies (which also take into account other factors such as tobacco or alcohol, or the regular practice of sport …)

  • Cancer: Many studies show a reduction in mortality up to 2 ½ times in vegetarians and vegans for cancers of the esophagus, large intestine, colon, bladder, prostate … The scientists attribute the carcinogenic effect of meat and dairy products including saturated fatty acids they contain. Conversely, a diet rich in soy and plant sources of omega 3 (unsaturated fatty acids) and antioxidants, has a protective effect against cancer! On the website of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (Association of Physicians for Responsible Medicine: American organization representing 100,000 members, including 5,000 doctors), many scientific studies show a direct link between the consumption of meat and dairy products with risks of cancers, including breast cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer …
  • Cardiovascular diseases: Many studies have shown that saturated animal and animal proteins (meat, eggs, and dairy) fats raise cholesterol levels, while a vegan diet that contains fruits and vegetables (fiber), vegetable oils, vegetable and other foods and soy protein lowers blood cholesterol. For example, American studies of Dr. Phillips based on 24,000 people showed that meat eaters die 3 times more frequently to heart attack than vegetarians (Phillips, R .: Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Among 7th-Day Adventists with Differing Dietary Habits . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 31 (1978): S.191-198)
  • Hypertension: Vegetarians and vegans have significantly less risk of having high blood pressure: A study showed that 42% of non-vegetarians had hypertension, against only 13% of vegetarians. Change the regime of non-vegetarian to a vegetarian diet helped to reduce hypertension (Rouse IL, Beilin LJ, Mahoney DP, et al J Hypertens 1986; 4.. 241-250)
  • Diabetes: The risk of death due to diseases related to diabetes are almost four times higher in those who eat a lot of meat compared to those who abstain … (Snowdon et al Study, School of Public. Health, University of Minnesota).
  • Obesity: People eating meat, eggs and dairy products were 9 times more likely to have obesity problems that vegans (John Robbins, The Food Revolution, Conari Press: Boston, 2001, p. 58).

Research continuing to progress and associate vegetarianism with a growing number of beneficial effects can be added to this list including fibromyalgia, atopic dermatitis, and breast cancer (according to studies published in The International Journal of Cancer and The British Journal of cancer: consume pork once or more per week, multiplied in women a risk of breast cancer by two …).

Moreover to date, the findings of the largest international study on nutrition: “The Campbell Report” (based on over 750 scientific references), by Professor Colin Campbell (and in collaboration with many other scientists) shows clearly the dangers of animal protein and milk, and health benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet. Professor Campbell said: “We can avoid largely heart disease, cancer, diabetes, cerebrovascular attacks, hypertension, arthritis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, disability and other chronic disorders. […] Scientists and doctors that close to such a truth is not only stubborn, but irresponsible. “

Professor Campbell had yet started “on the other side of the fence” means bred on a dairy farm, he had done his doctoral thesis on “the best ways to grow faster cows and sheep.” But Colin Campbell was a real researcher… For over forty years, he is at the forefront of research in the field of nutrition. He leaves Campbell Report (French book of about 500 pages, available in bookstores), the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever undertaken. Colin Campbell is Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry Department at Cornell University. It received over 35 grants for research, then reviewed by peers, and has written over 300 research papers … (See the excellent and comprehensive presentation of the Campbell Report by Ahimsa Association)La viande est un poison pour l’organisme de l’être humain…

The meat is poison to the body of the human being…

Not only the human body is not designed to digest meat (see Omnivore Man… or naturally vegetarian?), which can result in serious diseases or long term as we have just seen above … but in addition, statistics show that the concentration of insecticides in meat is twelve times higher than that of vegetables and grains !! Daily consumption of meat has the effect to accumulate in the body a large amount of insecticides whose long-term consequences are feared…

In addition, we also found in meat residues of antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals (allowed or not …) administered to animals in factory farms. The regular intake of these poisons causes including cancer in humans.

And unlike common myths about them, it is the same for cow’s milk and dairy products, which can also be entirely harmful to human health, as evidenced by more and more studies and research on the subject … (for more information, see “the Myth of milk”).

And fish is not much better…

While it is undeniable that fish oil provides some beneficial elements for health (Omega 3 in particular), most fish are however among the most contaminated foods, including talking mercury and other heavy metals that pollute seas (the fish absorbs and retains all especially these pollutants that bind tightly to protein tissues) as well as dioxins, PCBs and other insecticides … these pollutants poison the human body, and may even among young children in particular, seriously affect brain development!

The high contamination of the fish makes it a poison-timer to the body of the human being … so that everything can be done to find the same beneficial nutrients in plant sources! Omegas 3 for example can easily be found in vegetable oils (linseed oil, rapeseed oil or nuts …) and oilseeds (especially walnuts).



The protective role of fruits and vegetables compared to many diseases is well increasingly documented.

Phytochemicals, which are natural compounds found in vegetables and fruits, would include an antitumor effect, and thus reduce the risk of certain cancers.

In addition, fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, folate, and antioxidants, a substance capable of neutralizing or reducing the damage caused by free radicals (elements responsible for cell oxidation in the body, and aging). The main antioxidants are vitamins (A, C, E), carotenoids and the polyphenols.

In 2005, researchers in California have shown that it is possible to stop the progression of prostate cancer, and even setting back the tumor, by adopting a vegetarian diet, combined with aerobic exercise and yoga… This study involved one hundred men in whom prostate cancer was confirmed, which was divided into two groups, the control group consisting of men who refused to change power and lifestyle by personal convenience. After one year of follow-up, researchers found that PSA levels (a specific blood marker for prostate cancer) decreased by 4% in the vegetarian group, compared to an increase of 6% in the other! (Ornish D et al. J Urol 2005)

Similarly, the protective role of regular consumption of fruits and vegetables in relation to cancer of the esophagus is demonstrated: In a broad analysis of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 200 g daily of fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits rich in vitamin C and green leafy vegetables, reduce by 30% the risk of cancer of the esophagus, and even 80% of those of the mouth and throat! (Article by “Sciences et Avenir“- No. 744bis – February 2009)

Furthermore, we strongly suspect a possible protective role of soy in relation to breast cancer, and is also known since 30 years that carotenoids (antioxidants in fruits and vegetables) are beneficial to reduce the risk of lung cancer (provided that eating fresh produce!). (Article by “Sciences et Avenir“- No. 744bis – February 2009)


A well-balanced vegetarian diet provides all the nutrients necessary for the health of human beings, without the saturated fat, cholesterol and other poisons to the human body that are present in the flesh of animals.

In its report, the American Dietetic Association concludes that vegetarianism or veganism based on a natural, balanced and varied diet helps provide the body with everything it needs, while preserving and enhancing its health.

In France, and although part of that outside official medical community remains convinced of meat, there is no salvation (!), attitudes are beginning to change, and more and more doctors and dietitians are beginning to recognize the health benefits of a vegetarian diet properly conducted.

Regarding veganism (which excludes all animal products, including milk and eggs), as clearly stated Dr. Jerome Bernard-Pellet: “You should know that, contrary to popular belief, and that we read in some medical articles lacking scientific rigor, veganism is quite viable. Well-conducted, not only veganism is not harmful, but the expected benefits to health are even greater than the mere vegetarianism with regard to obesity, cardiovascular disease and hypertension“. (For more information, see the following article: “Vegetarianism & Veganism: risk of deficiency …)

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