For this DIY project in April, I propose to make it as comfortable as a DIY-style. In fact, I've decided the principle of perforated plates, commonly rethink as "breadboard" to decorate a wall of storage design. The practical side of the MDF is perforated so you can hang whatever you all To save wear sight and reach. Moreover, if to pierce you do not scare your walls, can do this installation in any room of the house! DIY Projects - Wall storage design Photos: Chloe Count For DIY wall storage design project, you need: DIY Project - Wall storage design Photo: Chloe Count

  • Wood dowel 1 "x 48".
  • Wood screws or threaded bolts of filter 2 pages 3.16 "x 2-1 / 2"
  • # 10 drywall anchors.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Water balance.
  • Tape.
  • Pencil.
  • Drill.
  • Bits 11/64 "and 16.5".
  • Vice or established.
  • Mitre Box with tab.
  • Sandpaper 80 and 220 grains.
  • Key clip.
  • Rags.
  • Transparent latex paint.

Step 1

Step 1 and last but not least is the wall on which you want to make your installation crisscross. In order not to score several pen strokes your pristine wall, I suggest you to create a grid with tape. You can then use your tape measure and spirit level, mark all your future brands (on the tape and not directly on the wall) for future locations of your wooden dowel. Once your brand and do you know the number of pins to reach for your DIY. Wall storage design Photo: Chloe Count

Step 2

Measure and cut pieces of wood dowel 6 "long (15 cm). Them can with a saw and a miter box. Further equipped an electric miter saw., It is important to clean cut is as straight as possible. Wall storage design Photos: Chloe Count

Step 3

With sandpaper 80 grit paper, sand each edge of the stud, to smooth the surface and fully remove all splinters. Finish your sanding with fine paper, namely the 220th Wall storage design Photo: Chloe Count

Step 4

Point the needle in a vise or in a well established, upright straight as possible. Just drill a hole (only one side) in the middle with a bit of 11/64. "Try to drill straight as possible! Other features, a drill is ideal. Wall storage design Photo: Chloe Count

Step 5

Once all the bolts pierced wood, you can use the old cloth and a key clip, pen Screw Filter 2 pages. Wall storage design Photos: Chloe Count

Step 6

Now that everything is ready you can pierce previously characterized using your drill 16.5 "your wall. Remove your masking tape and place your ankle drywall # 10. Wall storage design Photos: Chloe Count

Step 7

Set up your wooden dowel in the ankles and put down on your layout decoration you like! Wall storage designWall storage design Photos: Chloe Count

Tips and Tricks

  • If quadrillez put on your wall with the pins your future wooden dowels, I would encourage you to start by taking you to the wall, the outer contour of your future installation give an account of the place, it will take.
  • Step 1 is in my opinion the key to this step DIY. Take the time to measure and level all your stock for best results, so that all your pins are aligned vertically and horizontally. An off-center pin or misplaced unforgiving. An error will be easily visible to the naked eye.
  • I would advise you to make squares on your wall with wooden dowels. This is a consistent look to your success.
  • Can you what you want on your wooden dowel under consideration, but not, shall not exceed a maximum load of 8kg (17 lbs).
  • If you are not cutting wood studs sure of yourself, know that it centers the cuts in all centers Reno. Expect to pay about $ 1.50 per cup.
  • If you do not want your paint wooden dowels to hold pine color, I advise you to paint, to protect them from dirt.
  • When shopping center in Reno, do not hesitate to ask for help from a counselor. It will be able to lead you to your choice of screws, bits and ankle.
  • Read bought the directions on the package of screws or dowels, it helps!

Wall storage design Photo: Chloe Count

Shopping and Storage

DIY for this project was all bought in home improvement. You might also like …