Architektur - Trends in The Interior emerald green is the trend color Green is a good color for the inside, because that's a neutral color that can work with soft subtle colors, but can overwhelm them. Because the eye focuses green exactly on the retina, it is the most restful color for the eyes. Source: Fancycribs Trends in The Interior emerald green is the trend color Always the color balance in your room, living room or kitchen is very important, so for today, I have a collection of 23 great ideas interior design green prepared. The green color for interior design with nature, grass and tree leaves is affected, and it is to relax in a position to relieve pain and pleasant thoughts. Trends in The Interior emerald green is the trend color Here is a bright and airy décor with a modern color palette that illuminates the entire room. The architects used a light green for the walls and furniture, enhanced by natural light through the floor to ceiling windows in. Trends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend colorTrends in The Interior emerald green is the trend color