Wohnideen - TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior

TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 curtains as a partition within

In small rooms, creativity plays a particularly important role. Divide the room into different areas of stylish and comfortable. The curtains are also very important because of certain peculiarities of modern design. In more modern design with open plan living spaces are preferred. In a kitchen room, living room and dining room are sometimes combined. And now the clever curtains and other suspended structures are particularly important because they provide the structure and design of privacy. Enter the world of the space between the curtains! You in the space of modern life in general a dual function: they serve border regions and seduce both works of art. Exposure

Ceiling mounted partition Studio M

TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Curtains display give a feel for the private sector, without permanently change the predetermined architectural form. Especially for those with a preference for an airy, open atmosphere more, curtains are a wonderful solution. Now before we wonder why some of the finest examples we found. Their shapes are varied, sometimes organic and sometimes quite fun on the disc-shaped shell-Cadiz. The ornaments are also very creative. We often have to do with patterns cut with precision and in other cases -. With geometric shapes on the modern state we were inspired to create a little separation in your room? See the examples below for more ideas! Until dawn curtain Artecnica TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Installation facet light Mireille Meijs TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Score Fusion Bamboo Home Store TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Hanging disk partition from Bangalore Snob TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Hexagonal patterns room divider by Hiroshi Tsunoda TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior The library and room divider hanging together TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Capiz shell curtain Martha Stewart TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Hanging wall of MoMA TOP TO BOTTOM: 10 beautiful ideas for curtains as partitions in the interior Wave suspended rays and Screen