Tips for Deco feel holiday.
Summer will be here soon, although it still arm yourself with a little patience before the holiday. To you wait for the big moment of departure, I recommend you to use feeling on vacation out of the house a few tricks for decorating. Via feet in the canvas

The Order

It starts to remove unnecessary surplus, unknowingly parasites and confusing, the various rooms of the house clarify his affairs. In fact, living in a crowded room is anything but relaxing. To restore the peace and the feeling of tranquility at home, nothing like this type, at least one time per year, little things that no longer serve for the months and the qu'obstruer are our field of vision. Do the household vacuum by everything not deemed necessary in boxes. Can dilapidated thrown, while those that can be used a second time, or can be sold. Via EQeau

Mission Spring Cleaning

After the screening phase completed, the annual ritual of the great spring cleaning can begin. Emptied cupboards, less often visited cabinets and other small corners that place needs to be polished. Note that once a year, do not think too much about cleaning the walls, door frames, tops of cabinets or wash clothes curtains and other decorative wall hangings. Interior clean the basement to the attic, it also helps to breathe! Via Little Green Notebook

Organize smart

If after the first two tips that you still have energy, I suggest you save valuable minutes when the time comes to look for your keys or your papers everywhere, while you are too late already. I would encourage you to get organized. It could be a bit annoying in the beginning when it comes to build your organization time, but it will fruit later. Sort and file not forget your papers by category, date and order of importance to identify all and it's the same for your clothes (seasonal, for example), your jewelry, your books, your e-mail, spices, etc .. Via Better Homes and Gardens

Reward yourself

Now, sorting, cleaning and spring everything is under control by your system of organization, begins the fun part! Reward your efforts by giving you the luxury of (cheap) one or more pieces with a theme or color tells decorate the holidays! If you enjoy the love from the south, on the seafront, beach and palm trees, prevents nothing, what can bring some of these elements into your decor! For example, is a soft blue color to transport as an accent color in your living room to help you be a little more than beige or brown on the beach. About Target. Products available in the shop.

Accessories for your space

Decorative accessories will be your allies to complete your presentation. Curtains in summer colors, floral cushions, marine elements … every detail counts and will bring! She had a crush on a bench outdoors wood? Why is it not in your driveway with colorful element and other natural materials that you can give the feeling elsewhere? Want to scratches? Then select accessories white striped and blue sailor (reminds keep sailors) to give, only with accessories, such as in the living room of a cottage by the sea! About Seda y Nacar

Playing with materials

If I contains you to set, wicker, linen, wood and rope you think … the beach! So now I offer wood, animal skin, leather, stone, trophy hunting … Now think of the hut! She understood my reasoning. Register and play with the materials and memories that they suggest. About A beach house

Make your vacation memories

Whether it is brought to venerated photos, shells, primitive art or other happy memories of the places you visit, they set! Seeing them every day, and they will discuss with you the good times associated with idleness, discoveries, relaxation and vacation! About Elisabeth Heier

Of course taste at home

Use your olfactory memories! Arrange beautiful bouquets of flowers in your holiday decorating. Your colors will remind you of your outdoor walks and will gently scent the house. The use of some essential oils can also place your wrap a light scent reminds Spa.