Tips for choosing the right color.
What makes you good in one room and uncomfortable in a different feel? Or what makes a warm atmosphere seems, while another seems harsh? The color for almost 60% of the way an account provides for the establishment of a room. Choose colors that will hold our walls can seem like an insurmountable task, so here are some tips to help you get there.


Whether painting, a necklace reported travel rug or a picture, inspiration come from everywhere. Bring (if possible) this task to match the color with the commercially available samples. Did you paint retailers can choose a color from one object to digitize them in order to extract the color code new? These machines are not infallible by cons, so be sure to check the color before you buy it, it is exactly what you had in mind.

Start small

If color scares you, start with a small room such as a bathroom, hallway or a single wall. The fact that the project is carried out quickly give you the confidence and the feeling of satisfaction are necessary to get started in a second larger project.

Wanted the atmosphere

Think about the mood you want to create in a room. The muted and neutral colors create a calm and relaxing as saying that bright colors liven up a room and make it out alive.

The light

Finally, think about the light. During the day the sun's motion will change through your window, the color of the walls. The same applies to the various sources of additional or down, you can have the room lighting. In fact the rule, consider the harsh light of the world is the one that make the best the true color of the paint so feel free to leave the store to watch your samples or paint a band of your choice different color the wall, to see how the sun moves to the sound and warmth of your choice.