The volcano beehive, designed by Snohetta, dusted Oslo.

Creative, helpful and friendly attitude of the environment in the big city

In an effort beekeeping Oslo (Norway) support, Snøhetta architectural hive called the volcano, designed and created and installed on the food department mathallen above workshop. This project combines both – the center and several parks in the city environment. The reasons for structure and shape are strongly influenced by the natural bee nest, giving rectangular panels with shapes of hexagonal surface. The volume of timber that comes on the height of the parapet and passersby on the street, they can easily identify.

Hive volcano

The "hive volcano" refers to the importance of food production and aims to increase public awareness of this parameter was developed by the collaboration of several companies, including:.. Aspelin ram, Scandic, dnb Sparebank stiftelsen, bybj birøkterlag you warm and Snøhetta rietz Both plants above the food department The bee family In the center position Remarkable design Smaller models project The two hives side by side symmetrically