After a few years of sobriety actually decor, this year we see the emergence of lush patterns and bright colors. Decorating tips - The moderation is what? The fascinating thing about the current trends is that there is something for everyone! Last week I told you about the gray and many of you have shared with me here and on Facebook for the different variations of gray, your love. Well, and because I like to keep you in suspense, I'll talk this week by the tendency to over. The moderation is what? The adage that moderation is always in good taste not apply to this development. Saturated and vivid colors, patterns and oversized colorful collages faced and the mix of periods and styles that the sets are vivid and memorable. The moderation is what? Many elements influence this trend. Here are a few: here memory is prominently displayed when the clean, modern designs, compared to hide everything behind. The moderation is what? The choice of materials is critical to create a legacy effect, the luxurious and who does not look like "kitsch" or too fast. In the kitchen, a mini-subway tile emerald green lit the small room and gives it a more attractive architectural appearance. The moderation is what? The touch of gold, bronze and copper are also compared with polished and brushed silver honored and reflects current contemporary settings. If gold curtains are to big leap for you, start by introducing a mirror and worked with gilding, or create a painting in an ornate or baroque. The moderation is what? The various pieces presented today are all the work of a single designer, Celery Kemble, known for its scenery loaded and maintained, very popular with the elite New York. So tell me, they will feel this trend? I read all the comments, or join the conversation on my Facebook page to continue the dialogue Deco. The moderation is what?