Maslow's pyramid is a hierarchical classification of human needs. At the base of the pyramid we find physiological needs such as food, clothing … and protection. Decorating tips - Tattooing walls For a part at the top is the need to reach out to leave his mark on the world around us and about ourselves as individuals. Tattooing walls Where am I going with my class psychology you ask? Now simply in the fact that we are in a time of self-realization and our every need is a priority, as we leave aside too often, what should be our foundation, our basic needs are. Tattooing walls Remember the last time you took time for lunch or breakfast eat more than a "large latte, skim milk, extra hot, with a hint of chocolate on it"? Or the last time that your high heels ladies were really comfortable … and finally, if your last search for a setting that you like was? Tattooing walls Vinyl agent has made it its task. They used the concept of tattoo designs to our "Wall Decal is the meeting of the graphic design and decorative surfaces. These diagrams allow works, his means, without renewing the Bank and without much effort and long term commitment. The decals allow a change in the landscape in an instant or limiting environments in large rooms. " Tattooing walls And so a tattoo, any work must be unique and represent the wall that the door. It is for this reason that Bianca Cloutier and Richard Ortega, the founder decided not in this catalog, patterns and unique pieces, originals are here to stay, and complement the range of the infinite number of models to tailor your taste. After vinyl-Agent: "No matter the budget, suggests agent vinyl its customers a personalized and accessible approach only on hand for a photo and dimensions of the space, dress to see the product when used in your facility. . This service is offered for the products via catalog and custom available. soon as the spectra of the visual set, the finished product in the following days. " Tattooing walls