Remodel basement to living room.

Cellar transformed into a living room – a separate room, which applies to the creative activity of children and at the same time as the surface for all other

Interior designer Justine Sterling finally realized that their ownership of the house – an old historic house from the colonial period, was conquered by the disorder of the basement. It is about DIY project that merges slowly into the other floors of the house. He went so far that they had little more space to eat and drink. In addition, there was a lack of usable space in the attic. There is an urgent need space for wrapping paper, sports equipment, trays and other rarely used temporary surplus assets. Therefore, it was decided to create a bright, vast and beautiful place that serves children as a creative workshop. It must match perfectly to families for the extra space. The basement Glance Who lives here: A couple with two children, Rubi (6 years) and Reid (3 years) Location: Melrose, Massachusetts (north of Boston) size: 36 square feet Budget: approximately € 20,000 Display

This here is the main door to the house entrance is access here. First, the dark entrance was anything but pleasant

After converting sterling display carefully considered because it creates bonding experiences for their family. This was the main motivation for the design of organizational system here. Children use a cloakroom and adults – Other. In containers under the bed there are baskets for dry shoes and each family member has gloves, hats, mittens and other similar accessories. Sterling shares with this way, children come and give their stuff, with most visitors awakens admiration basement after reconstruction – Input range. Sterling was accurate and then opted for a system of measures Ikea online. The cushions come with covers to measure. She is from Cape Town and according to their own statements, she always added to the spirit of the house design solutions. The mirror is in Johannesburg. It is one of the first elements of decoration, it has acquired. He traveled with her to all the places where they lived. Sterling said she loves black and white and neutral, but it was as safe as this room a little more color needed. Ideas for decorating with favorite songs She started with gold, but from the beginning it has changed three times nuances. It first makes the room in shades of water, but after she used something from Home Depot. Currently, the girl shows their talent that the artist collagen. She paints and makes crafts too. His mother said that the kitchen was full of DIY projects. He was mad about the lack of space for cooking and eating. Zone creative activities The emphasis in the new space has been playing and creativity. Children love to play, to paint and draw the dolls. Like wearing stickers on the work surface. Once they are finished, worry is all they have to do to fill baskets or leave everything in buckets, which depend on the heels on the wall. As for the order in the redesigned cellar The room was free of electrical equipment, it is also no access to the Internet and television. The work provides more color in the otherwise dark room -weißen. The modern model of Piemple are the result of collaboration between West Elm and Studio Source South Africa. Sterling grabbed 6 pieces of it at a liquidation sale. The letters here stands for "Ruby and Reid." Because the space is free of electronics, she kept this wall for insertion future of television. She believes that children will use about 12 years here this space to spend time with their friends. The letters here stands for "Ruby and Reid" The windows and door glass provide a modest amount of natural light. The white walls contribute to the fact that light travels in space. The highlights are the rest of the work. The ceiling was originally only 2.4 meters high and architects have pulled down their suspended game. It has exposed rafters. Thus, the ceiling was much higher and more you could afford, 12 black, ceiling mounted lights add. Storage and storage space You met son, which dated from the period of 100 years. New electrical cables were added and again the entire painted ceiling. Ikea hanging lamps were jazzed up with new bulbs that cost more than 30 euros. They were more expensive than the lights themselves. The staircase presentation could be very expensive. Instead, we opted for a bold accent wall. You used the graph paper packaging to give this part of the construction of more visual power. Sterling said it depends on the models and their appearance particularly as such, but also use their character for children. Accents by model Structural columns have also set the style and orientation of walls, including wall art and one that contains the inscription "R and R". This was one of the most difficult layouts for Sterling. Sure The basement also had many problems with moisture with which you had to overcome in various ways. She let down the roles of cases. So you can not to the accumulation of moisture. This is particularly significant near the retaining wall. In addition, the walls were semi-dry. This was achieved by a green table. Upstairs you placed a plank vinyl. This keeps the room also very dry. Before to fix the tiles that you have aligned the concrete floor. Win moisture in the basement The pieces are beautifully without having had this nitrogen insert. On the banks, he resisted arte baseboards installed. Hoes in the niches behind the wall art serve as backpacks stored there. In this image, a room is ready, which leads to the bathroom. There you have the pantry, fridge and baskets for storing attachments. Find practical solutions! Sterling wanted to keep the machine here. This is very convenient for children, because they follow her and then she does this work play. The baskets on the left provide a long-term project. Each piece carries the objects with another activity, such as swimming or skating. Laundry in basement The workshop provides the extension of the surface on all sides. Reid's birthday in October, the room has an entry for the first time. In such a room the kids will love their faces have provided grounds for safari, do not you?