On balcony make hanging garden – Cool ideas for small garden on the balcony.

The balcony hanging garden – fresh ideas for small garden on the balcony

Are you lucky enough to live on a busy road which is just in front of your balcony. It is good and not boring, just as you gather with good friends and a BBQ on the balcony, for example. So there is none of the seven wonders of the world, but your balcony "won" over leftover beer cans and cigarette ash. Create a small garden on the balcony with hanging plants and flower pots. Exposure

Rattan Garden Design – Flower baskets wood – pleasant atmosphere

To display a small garden on the balcony is a good idea to take the air and see how each flower is more beautiful every day. It can also be a good way to attract butterflies. Note many butterflies in the garden, meaning they can inhale your environment. One of the best ways to add color and charm to your balcony or patio, it is with hanging baskets beautiful, bright atmosphere on your balcony -. Hanging garden with lots of roses Attach. On the walls on the balcony There are a few things after that you should emphasize how the position – sun / shade / wind, casting / circumcision, basket size, weight / structure (line, plastic or clay). Once you have chosen a basket and a place, it must be aligned with sphagnum moss or coconut fiber to keep water and soil. Tap water and packaging foam between the lines, which are even layer around the basket classic architecture -. Large balcony with lots of greenery Cozy Balcony Design – beautiful recreation area outside Enjoy breakfast on the balcony – nice atmosphere Delicate pink color – pillow, a blanket and a vase of flowers on the balcony Beautiful garden on the balcony – who would not even have such? Many colorful hanging plants on the balcony and decorative bird cages Artificial turf on the floor on the balcony creates a pleasant atmosphere Pots of colorful flowers still located on the balcony Clever idea and practice – grow herbs on the balcony Attractive, classic exterior design – and friendly atmosphere balcony, pots of blue flowers Garden furniture poly rattan 21 for your garden, patio or balcony Roche Bobois