Old barrels reuse – 10 creative ways for house and garden design.

Reuse old barrels

You fluctuate between more rustic wooden barrels and refined chic. You can have both with these ideas! Think wooden barrels and wooden pallets as part of a home design! What do you imagine? Many people probably comes before a high table with a western, right? Did you know that the use of these modern pieces with famous designers? The popularity of this trend is increasing with each passing day! Never before wooden pallets were so chic! Mixing with a modern design to come up with wonderful solutions! And yes, you can! Exposure

Add wood panels in a restricted part of

The bright color palette and many freed space objects allow the natural and individual beauty of wood panels come in properly. Use it in a private retreat The superficial glance barrels works wonderfully as this by the owner as "cave men" describes space. The beautiful finish and manufacturing authentic artisanal provide an elegant appearance Grouping of the other side in an external storage structure wine barrels stacked in this case is a log space California Combine the barrels with very modern materials at home, work in Carrara marble cannon in a small island in the kitchen transformed and organized further refinement of the rustic area appearing Rustic go before In the next image we see from an open sided porch materials. In this case, the barrel is a stylish coffee table is original and Use a small barrel bedside as many years ago you used it was to transport dried fish. Now, it should be quite suitable for this home Newfoundland from Cape Race proven Clutural Adventures
Put the barrel in a tasting room to wine enthusiasts as not only the collections of wine, but wine tasting. The wine barrels give a feeling of rustic old world this room by Anthony Albert Studios
Use the wooden barrel to collect rainwater There are already companies such as rain barrels for reuse Aaron wooden barrels for collecting rainwater. If you're like me, there are exactly on saving water by this method, you can enjoy even more than the plastic tubing solution. So you can be environmentally friendly and same time have style The use of wooden barrels as pets This is a smart solution for plants and there can also find a pet friendly haven. Excellent solution for multi-functional garden Place the wooden barrels as an accent in a full range of equipment benutztem new wood. Asked about the head drums are the highlight of the equipment shown here in this fabulous gazebo California Personally, I can not imagine many other applications with wooden barrels. Their beauty is in the context of intelligent designs fortiori advantage. And in wine regions appreciates just that! Enter the old barrels a second chance and let your creative spirit run free