Of decoration itself – DIY projects from reusable materials.

How far you go depends on your imagination and skill

Most people take once or twice a year, spring cleaning, in which we throw many articles. But if you read this article here, you will see that it can also mean the abandonment of many great treasures of decorative crafts. While he has great ideas and decoration, you can do by themselves and find in any store. Today, we have gathered some DIY decorating ideas that will show you exactly that. Exposure

Old bottles decorating DIY
Decoration itself

You can do a lot to transform the whole atmosphere in a fabulous location Explore photos Use thread for DIY decoration If you find rolls over, then you can use them for the development of large lights Wrap this around like a ball and run around and stab you through the air for him. DIY toys that pot plants You have no room for toys and you want to throw it? Do not do that, because it might convert you containing plants by simply Leuk large crafts. Old cups that potted plants DIY Use all or most popular cups as large planters of succulents. Just look at how it can look! Old decoration knitting to create flower pots Look at the packaging of cotton or other soft materials You can use frosted Once these flowers container so they do not stay in the closet. In fact, they can be reused later to their original function. How is it to throw? It was found that the expensive decoration, which buys you have not necessarily heard thereafter for your summer holiday in the trash? In our opinion, the container factory for succulent and cylinders DIY much more enjoyable, original and great, like most of what you find in stores plants. To feel better in a home that reflects our originality in every detail. We will try Fresh Ideas team through a series of articles to teach, how can create beautiful decorations for your retirement home and are no longer used materials. Today we say that you can take five particularly valuable advantages back and unusual items. So do you feel like DIY decoration really brave? Examples of old tires right If so, then this is for you! Change as technical DIY seats You must actually less than you probably think. Just only a rope with a glue gun to attach a spirit. So what you learn DIY blogs, is not it? DIY hanging plant container from bottles or ampoules Flower vases bulbs For this you can use old wine bottles like this. Just look at how it might look! Or would you prefer bulbs? DIY Wall Art for the Wall rolls of toilet paper Not only is it annoying, but also far from being environmentally friendly, toilet rolls all the time to take Instead, they can also be wall decoration use it as wonderful. Bracelet DIY Here certainly fascinated all women! Because everyone wants, but a bracelet like no other have, right? This has been understood by many blgos DIY Authors. Attach the safety pin as these large stones, and you will experience a great result like this. Great decorating ideas for DIY wall Then you can create by personalities like great places here. You would be wonderful fit in the nursery, but not only … In bright colors They will have a wonderful and beautiful night effect. Craft ideas are not only super original and economical, but also relaxing. Because the time of his own house to take care of, he is satisfied with his individuality in every detail and is doing very well. In addition, the artificial process is great healing for the soul. Need more arguments to convert your old articles in major DIY jobs.