More storage space in the bathroom – smart and practical advice for clever storage.

Create more storage space in the bathroom

If you had the ability to create more storage space in your room, what would it be? Most people would probably say the kitchen or bathroom. In the kitchen, the challenge is not so great, as usual for the area of ​​the space is sufficient. The masterpiece is the bathroom, because squaring is much lower in the normal case there. Very often there is a gap "hidden" storage under or beside the sink, which is often overlooked. In the following examples, you can gain valuable ideas, how to organize cabinets base better or more efficiently the space around the sink can use. Organize storage space in base cabinets Ad again!

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Chuck unnecessary stuff away! Believe it or not, there is more storage space than you could ever imagine. Spend your hygiene products, cleaning products and personal care oils – which could be discarded or upgraded. The things that you are too good, you can give to charities or to calm the Mission City. Once done with the old type of storage circuit, one is free to start with new ideas. An ingenious way bottles and cans Baby Store is the vertical storage under the sink. For the hair dryer, curling iron and hair brushes ten you can tinker PVC pipe and attached to the inside of the cabinet. In this way, the more space is free for your hair jewelry and other useful items. So the best solution for more storage space is actually more efficient, rather than adding more space. Find the mobile versions! Antique Flair in the blue sky fees by Echelon Custom Homes
If you have a pedestal basin in the bathroom and not have a cabinet below, so take a look at the following tips. Designing a closet design that is purchased either carpenters or you can do it yourself. The benefits of a DIY project, shelves and custom cabinets. Determine if you provide all the space between the pool or you want to keep it short and multifunctional. Cabinets on casters or wheels are often the ideal solution for small bathrooms, where flexibility is a priority. Open shelves are an opportunity to your jewelry or objects present or make your exclusive toiletries on the screen. Create an extra freezer between the sink! Pure luxury Farinelli Construction Inc
So let inspire you to overcome your low self and transform your bathroom a more organized and comfortable room with more storage space. It does not matter the ideas above, you realize, it is important that you do with the old structures and circuits make all things new. Be flexible and find the best possible solution for more storage space in your bathroom. Summer nautical atmosphere For the true minimalist Very elegant with extra space for small items Narrow shelf between the mirrors The smart way to keep Shelves with glass doors look very classy and elegant air