Traditional ownership of the German house urgent need for a modern extension
We have always stressed that the renovations and transformations is to perform more difficult than planning a new apartment. The reason is simple and obvious. Already exisierenden structures also bring with them limitations. Similarly, it is the case with this great German house, located in Regensburg. Since the building was declared part of the regional historical, the original structure of the intermediate chamber residence designers can not be changed. Instead, the inventive troupe Fabi Architects decided to provide the home with a new flight with the expansion of modern minimalism. Exposure
Image: modern extension of a traditional house
Screen Display: The original structure of the intermediate chamber residence Photo: spend a quiet evening, you can enjoy the view outside The new Sturktur, which is shown below, which was created by the German design studio to life, the glass used in accordance with the current fashion in the form of glass windows from floor to ceiling. The original house by a large corridor connected to the new writing in the current trend of stylish rooms offer stunning views of the image of the outside world Interior extension ,. Offering a contrast with the classical outer atmosphere Image: stylish, modern decor in the new extension Image: ergonomic modern kitchen The garden outside ruihge is always connected visually with the life and court area of the new house. The interior design in two floors looks clean and offer thanks to the warm and relaxed environment appearance vibrating inside. The existing structure takes the modern lifestyle inside, as the space of ergonomic kitchen, dining room and efficient inside all white, and offers a contrast to the traditional atmosphere outside the image. Look at the glass corridor that connects the two buildings Image: contemporary interior design style with a staircase. The chic extension of the consolidation of the intermediate chamber is a good example of how to add an extra room in a historic house, without radically changing the existing frame building. Daylight in the transition region Image: View of the stairs up