Make your own soap – Recipe for an antibacterial gel DIY.

Antibacterial Gel DIY

Many of us want to have in the summer better hygiene at home or get them later. Why not try the products you have at home? There are many good ideas for DIY cleaning products with such. Exposure

How to make soap itself

Today we would like to introduce an easy to do so, you can apply to any home recipe Ingredients: – 70 ml of ethanol – 20 ml witch hazel water – a few drops of glycerin dissolved in water – Go for one of the oils with antibacterial Wikung corresponding .: lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, clove and tea tree oil – for welchge option you choose does not matter, you must clean the drip 100ml DIY gel preparation

  • Mix all ingredients. Store the gel in a box. Stir well until you create a homogeneous mixture. It is best to keep it in a dark place
  • Before installing, you must gently shake the new
  • Pour a generous amount on hands and rub about 30 seconds. Particular attention should therefore change the fingertips and nails.
  • DIY storage gel: It is best to keep this gel in a cool, dry place. So you can avoid alcohol fermentation. You can use this gel on the way up to one year after production. When should you use this gel yourself more often in winter than in summer, it is necessary. In cold weather, the bacteria spread much more difficult. However, you can order all seasons protect against disease. If there are many people around you who are suffering from a viral disease, you must clean your hands so often. If you are sick and coughing, then you should also clean your hands every time with him. So you do not put the health of others at risk. Of course, whenever you come into contact with a dirty surface, you must also use this gel. Bring it to your children. None of them should be used often and without the need for it, though.