Make the home safe for children – baby and nursery set.

How to make your home safe for children

Who lives in the home with children should pay particular attention to the safety of the installation. Here, especially the age and development of children should be used to decide which backups are urgently needed. We would like to give a brief overview of potential hazards in the years of babies and young children here. While the newborn is not as mobile as a baby crawling, but you must especially note one thing: It is the changing table is a site of frequent accidents. Often the ability to move small infants is underestimated and fall in a moment of inattention to the changing table. Let your children when winding therefore never out of sight, make sure the changing table has enough railings and high side stability. Exposure

Safe and secure home

Once children begin their environment on their own to explore, it is necessary to eliminate many sources of risk:

  • Outlets should be equipped with fuses. There are several variations – for screws, glue or stick. In new releases of protection is often already integrated into the socket. Discover the best of your dealer.

  • The drawers and doors should be secured with safety locks to avoid pinching fingers.

  • Dangerous objects such as knives, drugs or cleaning products are completed or in inaccessible cabinets.
  • The range must be equipped with a stove and oven protective guard to prevent burns
  • Corners and sharp edges, just head height can be defused with a corresponding corner protection.
  • Electrical equipment, such as kettle must be placed so that the children can not shoot the son and it also can not operate independently.
  • TV stand does not tilt, only the new flat screen TVs are very light and can be removed quickly.
  • Windows can be secured with lockable window handles. Also make sure there are no objects under the windows, calling for climbing.
  • Stairs can be well secured with stair gates to prevent falls.
  • Some common houseplants are poisonous and should be discarded. Your child must be created on the ground, there are warning that can be placed on the flower pot.

Apartment provides a secure person from the obligation of surveillance, but ensures that they can explore much more relaxed your Scion region gain freedom for them both. For more information on the safety of the child counselors recommend "safe and secure – How do they feel for your children to make your home" In addition to home security, also learn how to make your garden safe for children and how to develop a sense and baby and children clairvoyance.