Bastelideen - Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself

Delicate, elegant gift ideas

To give you more inspiration, we have some fantastic DIY projects here collected and prepared for Valentine's Day. All are made from existing materials and you do not have much time, but a little creativity and the desire to create. And what is the hardest part? We can not easily decide what to do with the DIY project. Exposure

Gifts and Decor for Valentine's Day

Dekoration - Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself Display If your pantry is arranged as ours, maybe you remaining candy canes. And the best part is – the Christmas cookies bring them back to life, when you are finished with this massive heart sweet heart-shaped Cork. Valentinstag - Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself Gifts and Decor for Valentine's Day -. Gather some cork to create a work of art rustic heart shaped with letter cards from the deck Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself Rummaging through your drawers to find the forgotten card game and turn it into a love letter Love Posters -. Pale, light and dark pink hearts Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself Maybe you do not want to hack? All you need is a printer and paper to produce this festive displays. Valentine Garlands Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself For part or decoration Valentine can tinker a printable banner, because you only need a pair of scissors, wool or string and space ideal exposure. Pink Pearls Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself paper hearts – light and dark pink Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself Creature Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself heart embossed on the gift card Make gifts and decoration for Valentine's Day itself