Gartengestaltung - Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life

History comes to life in a new home in Rochester, fully sculptural if

England is rich in historic gardens. This can practically find in the homes of size and function very differently.

City magical English garden

Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life Today, we focus on one of these beautiful gardens. It is located in Rochester and is a perfect restoration of the original garden. It is located behind the historic house restoration. King Charles II stayed here in 1660 on his return to England from exile in France. It is a large urban park. How many of these cases have been divided into different lines of work? Thanks to their details may be seen as individual separate gardens they same. Right at the entrance, there is a foretaste of what is to come then. Cones beautifully trimmed box mark the path to the front door. Two large planters brighten their boldness, the color green. It is the plant decorative tobacco (Nicotiana alata) and Amaranthus caudatus 'Viridis'. Rochester is a city in England, but it is full of history Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life Among the various monuments mentioned first, the second largest cathedral in the country. Here are also well-preserved forts Norma niche, and one of the oldest schools in the world, and also the home of author Charlkes Dickens. In some of his most famous works, the architecture of the city of Rochester is mentioned. To make the current garden, he set up two older gardens Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life Both exude true English atmosphere. Here you can see the style of the designer. New trends that have been seen at trade shows are also applied here. From the house you reach the first so-called yew. It was on the small hill that had existed even before the restoration. Here we see the typical pyramid yews Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life Here we see the typical pyramid yews (Taxus baccata), which is also striking for English gardens. Their execution is just perfect in the following image, we see another important element -. The topiary Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life The building was built in 1995 and is based on the design of the Jacobins. For the establishment has used boxwood., The border of the garden is the elegant line Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life It also consists of boxwood. This design was adorned by many summer-flowering plants. Separating the central wall here in the 18th century Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life Gothic arches allow free movement between different parts of the garden. Water flows under the arches of a pond Gartengestaltung - Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life There, white and black carp swim in the crystal clear water. Another break in the wall separating the greenhouse is Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life Fish scales Glasses reminiscent of another impressive garden in Cornwall. Inside, we see a house for operation. Interesting are the leaded window Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life The garden is an example of the attention to the smallest details Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life You will now see this wonderful and simple equipment of various works on point! Brick red readings, natural building materials are a link between the house and the garden and give everything an antique look Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life In this picture you see the summer house beautifully restored Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life It was designed as a lookout. It was attached to the brick wall and next to an old mulberry tree. Here you can see a topiary rustic bars and linen Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life A wonderful source of bouquets from the garden, right? Now I'll show you my favorite in the garden perspective. A magical view of the building, right? What story you come here How can you find such a quintessentially English country garden? Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life The true art of gardens – striking topiary Magic English garden city - histrorisches garden design brought back to life