Gartengestaltung - Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet

Landscaping Tips – the best time for most flowering plants in spring onion in the fall

You can have beautiful bulb flowers all year with beautiful colorful flowers? How is that possible? Now we show you, you just have to follow our tips! We want to clarify a question in advance: What are the flowers bulbs called? – Botanically, it is a group of different species of flowers, underground storage organs Havelock bulbs or tubers. Onion is a small underground grows with thick fleshy leaves of scale, for example – tulips.

Landscaping Tips – For weak soils, it is recommended to cover the planting hole with organic matter

Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet Show A tuber is an underground shoot. a) from the tuber grow only flowers and leaves, for example, cyclamen, or is a lateral root b) thick root tuber – from the tuber grows a stem with leaves and flowers, including dahlias . There are also transitional forms – onion bulbs for Beispeil: gladiolus, crocus. Landscape they are mostly just summarized as "bulbs" or blisters. "Before you start planting bulbs, you need to know is the most important thing at the right time Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet Many people ask, what is the best time to plant hardy bulbs? – The best time for most plants blooming in the spring onions (including tulips, daffodils and hyacinths) is in the fall when soil temperatures have cooled, but the ground is frozen, but not you ist.Wenn are in doubt to fall or not, you can Planzen your bulbs on a hot day in January, that works too. Most bulbs emerge and bloom in the spring – and their foliage begins to fade and they spend the midsummer "asleep." It is important that the foliage is yellow of course – you do not cut sooner or not braid so that your garden is clearer. Instead, you can grow plants or colorful shrubs before your annual bulbs to hide the foliage. What is the best time to plant is not hardy bulbs? Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet Is recommended that the flowers are removed as soon as they begin to disappear. Your bulbs save energy to produce new flowers next year. It is not generally notwenidig to fertilize bulbs, especially if you have rich soil. But if you really want to feed your bulbs, fertilizing during the spring planting or just when the flowers come out. Test Garden Tip: Many perennial bulbous plants are well adapted to hot, dry areas, so they prefer to grow in dry conditions in the summer when they are "asleep". Not hardy bulbs When is the best time to plant hardy bulbs not? Follow the instructions on the packaging of fertilizers Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet Most plants in summer-flowering bulbs are best planted in the SPRI, after the soil has warmed and the danger of frost has passed. (Hardy Lielien are an exception – you can plant in the spring or fall) These bulbs grow best in well-drained soil and are very sensitive and can rot quickly if they are at a point that remains damp or muddy. For weak soils, it is recommended to cover the planting hole with organic matter or even with some thick layer of sand Zenimetern increase the drainage. It is normally not necessary to fertilize bulbs Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet Non-hardy bulbs, on the other hand, are in the spring and summer and sometimes bloom until fall. Most come from warmer regions and hate the low temperatures. As hardy bulbs, it is also recommended to cut when they fade. In many species of flowers it is possible to keep blühtend flowers. (Lys are an exception, they bloom only once a year). If you live in a cold winter climate, you will probably need to dig up the bulbs before the first fall frost and store in a cool (about 11-12 degrees C) and winter . Most bulbs emerge and bloom in spring Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet Many flowers non-hardy bulbs thrive in rich soil, if you fertilize with a general purpose fertilizer for the garden, if you have a low floor. Note. The instructions on the fertilizer packaging to avoid damage to your onion plants with too much fertilizer More tips for planting your onion plants water well after planting. Then spread a layer of mulch over the soil to cover your planting holes – or creatures that can discourage squirrels, bulbs and tubers to dig up bulbs to water your plants well after planting. Landscaping Tips - How you can maintain your bulbs yet