Kitchen design – Atemberaubernde work areas in the kitchen.

Kitchen Design – The best workspaces acrylic stone

Today we want to address the issue of the design of the kitchen again. In this regard, we would like to say from the stone HI-MACS acrylic few words. It is produced by the LG HAUSYS society. It is antiseptic and can easily come into contact with other products. After a short period of acrylic stone was very popular with most consumers. Acrylic become one of the most popular materials for the present and the future. With its sculptural appearance, it is also very suitable for creating surfaces absolutely fantastic job. 1. futurism luxury Design Studio Paxmann he always seeks to go beyond the usual limits. They create absolutely unique products.

In addition, the kitchen here causes the imagination and breaks all the laws of physics by its unique shape

2. The island of joy and good humor is Grell this island cake pure Iceland. It was created by designer Adraina Tihon. Here the elegance and innovation are combined in a wonderful way. Saturated colors and strong eye-catching people 3. Spaceship in the kitchen we have here incidence Xavier Bonte. The project is called "The sky's the limit." With the speed of light can get out of this spaceship, well equipped with everything you need kitchen, be 4. A maximum of two times in this example has managed to combine classic and innovative features. It thus combines the past and present Irina Stoica was inspired to have taken 5. The Spirit of Nature This seems to be the designer of the company Atvangarde surfaces. By nature and has at least taken care of modern avant-garde 6. The ideals of simplicity, the description of the minimalist design of acrylic stone par excellence. The example also this picture. White Kitchen 7. This feature is called Kantoorloft kitchen area and was produced by Studio inside Melis. It is distinguished by its rich red color and unusual round shapes. In addition to the functionality of the beauty has not gone to the track 8. The soft lines in this example, you see acrylic stone kitchen island Architects company A01. She slowly walks to lunch. There are friends wonderfully fit both a great family, and some 9. The unusual wave of minimalism kitchen studio DODK attracts attention with its futuristic shapes. In addition, you will discover in this case, a very elegant S-shaped with smooth lines and pure white 10. Clean lines here we have another example in which the kitchen island turns into a dining table. But instead of round prevail here before. Incredible straights that you can both create acrylic stone, right?