DIY - Do it yourself - How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever Exposure

How can you fight against hayfever – 10 ways to beat the pollen

Today, I saw him do the delicate pink cherry blossoms slowly put green leaves. At the same time, I also thought when I'll be back in a position to store contact lenses without problems, and when this discomfort let me. Yes, this is due to pollen and April is when they are simply everywhere. Here are some tips on how to keep your home free of these.

  • Keep the car in the garage
  • Garten & Pflanzen - How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever If you do not have a garage, you wash it on the fly whenever you have a chance. Make it rarely happens to a window or door, because each pollen come. Therefore, you should avoid it. I am always ready hygienic wipes this period. I'm so clean hands. Thus, the eyes are not bad, because I touched with fingers that have touched something in the car full of pollen for me.

  • Do clean your feet on the carpet, then pull your shoes, jackets and all that was thought of as a device for outdoor use, as soon as you enter the house.
  • Create a chic place in the entrance area where you can store your shoes

    Gartengestaltung - How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever

  • Decontaminate
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever Do not you have work to do in the yard? Or are you finally fall into one of those terrible clouds of pollen and dust, while you use one at the other end of the court? If yes, then you must take the pollen from your body and clothes down. Otherwise, they spread throughout the house. Do not sit down, because otherwise you have to make furniture as clean. Go to the bathroom and let everything you can to wash.

  • Wash your hair green stuff
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever Her hair is a magnet for pollen. If you do not wash before going to bed, the pillows are so full of pollen. This is certainly not good. Wash your hair after the last out of the house before going to bed If you do not, then we will be your pillow full of pollen. You can wear something as an alternative to your hair – a turban or a hat, for example.

  • Avoid carrying pollen by animals
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever Before entering the house, they should be well washed and brushed. Particular attention should wipe feet before going in the house. Then you need to wash the brush itself and clean the area where you have done all this with the vacuum cleaner.

  • Take the bag of clean vacuum
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever Do you have a bagless vacuum cleaner? You should not do clean inside the house. Take the content out there. The dirt should go directly into a trash bag and immediately the vessel.

  • Keep windows and doors closed
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever This is the season in which I'm really intrigued to allow the incoming fresh air but unfortunately are also pollen. Take the window and the fan. Opt for HEPA filters, because they are better to push the pollen. The latter, however, must be replaced monthly. Your well-being is important to you, right?

  • Be careful with dry dust before
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever You must wipe the dust twice as often as you have done so far. Do not neglect areas that are difficult to reach. An appropriate extension of the vacuum will be useful for your health very well.

  • Keep your own decks or use this bit when the season is over
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever I do my own outdoor patio several times in the spring, because despite the pollen I like to use. I cover the sofa section with an old blanket and take it if I want. If time pollen is over, I'll take the pillow for professional cleaning. The entire deck is thoroughly washed again. Remove the pollen screens, the bottom and mail.

  • Do not be discouraged by the pollen enjoy this wonderful time of year
  • How can you fight the pollen allergy and hay fever The pollen is actually a beautiful thing. Find out how well because they cover the walking distances and ease they bring a smile on people's faces.