Büro - Home Office Design for two persons - Share you get your work space while keeping your marriage

Share you get your workspace while keeping your marriage

Have you ever tried to share with your husband, a shared workspace? Me and my husband came up with this task over many long years. But to get there we had to make a lot of progress in small, dark and original. Exposure

Home Office studies for two

Home Office Design for two persons - Share you get your work space while keeping your marriage We had originally only a table of joint work and we now have two separate lean and simple tables. The investment was not small, but the quality and the room had saved a prosperous impact on our lives together. In fact, the two tables provide more work, but the appearance and thin foot space has a sense of the breadth and freedom. What must always keep in mind: Tip 1 Each partner needs different things in the office and the voices of all participants must be respected compromises have to be made ​​at any time in the process. Home Office Design for two persons - Share you get your work space while keeping your marriage Natural light is a very important element in the Home Office. So if you do not have Windows, you must integrate a very good operation, bright light. Tip 2, you must decide to doubt the feeling of comfort of both partners, instead of the usual, but look at evil comfortable. So you will feel relaxed and not be too nervous. Home Office Design for two persons - Share you get your work space while keeping your marriage In our case, we had to remove a book shelf due to lack of space. As a result, we grew shelves on the wall. Tip # 3 all must be aligned with the harmony between partners. Everyone should feel that you have enough privacy and quiet feel in. Tip # 4 This is also to serve a final word to the whole. Every relationship needs some work rules. Some possible, we have listed, but surely you can personalize and customize. However, here are some tips, which are universal, in my opinion. – Keep your work area clean – Make calls in the other room – Listen to the radio with headphones – Make coffee breaks and lunch together, to remember why they actually share a home office now, I leave the place for your own rules here! Home Office Design for two persons - Share you get your work space while keeping your marriage