Wohnideen - Happy Feng Shui direction - you expect your individual number

Right direction for your individual Feng Shui Kua Number

Here we let you know how you can calculate your lucky number according to Feng Shui Kua. First, you must know what your birth year. You think this is clear, but if you were born in January or February, and then check your birth year according to the Chinese calendar. Then you add the last two digits of the year, until you have a single digit number. If you are a woman, then add five added, if you are a man – 10. Then you add the numbers until you still have a one-digit number. As follows: woman 1991 = 9 + 1 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 + 5 = 6 Man 1991 = 9 + 1 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 + 10 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 1, 3, 4 9 belong to the East Group Kua 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 are among the display of West Group Kua

Right direction Feng Shui – Table

Happy Feng Shui direction - you expect your individual number So if you have already found your Feng Shui group, you can determine based on the table you are lucky feng shui directions. Each has four happy and the other four are the unglüglichen. Do you have, when you set your home with respect. Sometimes, but not going to put all the pieces of furniture in the right direction. Do not be afraid. Feng Shui is a doctrine that teaches you how you can support your well-being and harmony. If you follow the rules strictly not, then it will not hurt you. The main thing that you feel good and you are full of positive energy in the room, you spend a lot of time. – Make sure the sofa in the meaning of "health" Happy Feng Shui direction - you expect your individual number Your workspace may be in the direction of "money and success" Happy Feng Shui direction - you expect your individual number Ask draw your bed in the direction of love Happy Feng Shui direction - you expect your individual number After the same Kua number, you can also determine your lucky colors Happy Feng Shui direction - you expect your individual number