Green Roof Garden House – Exterior in Green.

Green roof garden house

We have written several articles on cool on "garden house on the green roof" ideas. In addition, there are so many other sources from which you can draw inspiration for their design. So it is probably unnecessary to explain the benefits of our life and long-term sustainability of daily of these structures. If it is a modern, large home, it is hard to imagine yourself set up a green blanket. There are too many mistakes you can make as a professional. But if you have a garden shed, you might create a green roof. It works in six simple steps that we are very happy to explain today. Determine the degree of tilt of your home garden design If a professional is mentioned, the region should be more than 2 and less than 10 degrees. But if you built the garden house itself, you usually know these dimensions. Make sure the garden shed can withstand the load of the green roof Simple green roofs weigh between 60 and 150 kilograms per square meter. If you are not sure if it will resist your garden, you should have at least consult a professional in this field. They forget not the amount of snow and water involve the meantime, are also covered. If the load is dangerously large, you should consider the media by other wooden structures into account. Exposure

Patio design

Step 1 Display the green house roof garden – Identify the layers of the roof green waterproof, soil and vegetation are the main layers of the eco-design exterior. Grand Garden Design
Stage 2 expansion of waterproof Almost all green roofs such. Ideally, it should also be such that it can not be penetrated by the plant roots. This should cover the entire surface and then the first time. Ideally show for ponds that are an inch thin and can be found in gardening stores. These are angebracht.Tipp on the ceiling by conventional cementation: endorsements you must go to places you EVL later outside ideas. Step three drain holes, the excess water should be able to flow out of the ceiling. So you have to open the waterproof membrane to water in places where the channel openings so that water can result. This moment is of fundamental importance for the existence of the ceiling and the whole house with it. So you need to clean regularly to ensure they are free. Green Roof Step 4 substrate to create the depth of the substrate determines the type of plants you install wird.In most cases, there are 7-20 centimeters. The substrate should be very light and does not contain many nutrients. You'd better not to use the soil of land for gardens usual, because it is much too heavy when wet. It is preferable to use 70-80n% artificial material such as gravel and the rest – natural material such as compost. "Green roof garden house" wood will give you pleasure and fun and give your family more we relax. Garden House Garden Design Ideas Fresh plants Green house in the garden Roof plants Beautiful landscape Outside Isolation Feel the freedom