Garten und Landschaftsbau - Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules

Follow the ideas and rules of landscape light

One of the easiest landscape ideas do, and that we always use when designing a garden or landscape is as follows: a lawn with plants transform the actual point of view. Here, for example, we are fond of bed to plant a big fat Chartreuse glow with a golden creeping Jenny mass ('Aurea' Lysimachia nummularia) of the offer. He (in color and texture) raised by some plants blue fescue (Festuca Elijah Blue '). Exposure

Nice house – brick walls and porch

Gartengestaltung - Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules It is easy to create a colorful appearance, if you try to grow a plant of any kind. We avoid this by again using the same varieties of colors, shapes and plants. Here is an example: The links are Lysimaque Nummular (Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea') color of Indian Calamus (Acorus gramineus 'Ogon') to the new bridge. The Indian reed increases the texture of blue Schwingels (Festuca 'Elijah Blue'), which the blue-gray color of a bad pot Erbsenfrüchtige cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Baby Blue') plays. The shape of the Nootka Cypress is a repetition of subjects maple next to the bridge. The plants grow one type Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules My heart has a limited space and if your like mine is, it is important to make the most of it! I prefer plants that serve more than one purpose. This espalier apple tree provides solid, eg, comfort and privacy; offers a beautiful backdrop for the curve in a road; and fall is a colorful culture delicious apples, fresh herbs -. flowerbed in the garden design Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules One of the easiest and most basic ideas of landscape design is one of my favorites of all time: create contrasts. Consider colors: If you associate deep burgundy-violet light green, gold tone seems brighter, and see colors richer and darker purple. Overall, the colors are much more effective than when used separately. Trellis is a perfect example Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Do not be afraid to complete the forms and functions of natural plants! Trellis is a perfect example of this. Here, for example, a plain, ordinary transformed into a bush with special training and pruning. . Do not worry about it It's easier than it looks (it requires pruning once or twice a year) path leads to the front door – beautiful and well maintained landscape on both sides Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Garden furniture – Create comfortable seating outdoors Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules bed of plants in the garden Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Plant collection – for years and always green Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Add color and texture – purple ceramic flower pot Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Make comfortable outdoor atmosphere, fresh himself Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Exotic plant species – Flooring interesting Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Flash, bright colors – treetops Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules Stone slabs forming the path that leads to the garden Follow Lightweight landscape ideas and rules