Flower boxes at the windows in different styles.

Flower boxes at the windows in different styles

Flower boxes on the windows are really beautiful and sexy. For some owners with decent craft DIY installation is a project of the weekend. For others – that is a job for a carpenter or handyman, so they have that funny culture. Materials. Each material is suitable for flower boxes – wood, metal, iron or plastic guards can meet your window or your form or contrast with it to form a combination of colors. Window flower boxes are sold in almost all nurseries, garden centers, hardware stores and even in some of the devices. Many online companies also offer boxes. You can also order a carpenter who sets the flower boxes according to customer requirements, if your DIY championship is not enough. Exposure

Elegant combination of crawling and hanging plants and flowers

Location. Of course, the windows are flower boxes under the windows, but there is also another rule? Apparently so. Check your house on the other side of the road. Select some windows, as both sides of the door or window flower boxes Wohnzimmer.Die the second floor windows have a dramatic look, but then you have to make sure the windows are open, so that you can maintain . Colorful fresh out of the window Drainage. Most flower boxes in the windows have drainage holes with glasses for healthy plants. Or iron metal open boxes but have often coconut lining which drips a little faster. To avoid this, you feed the coconut lining with perforated plastic. Simple and elegant white The wooden boxes can be painted from the inside with a sealed roof cement with water, so that the wood does not rot. Drainage holes extend the lifetime of such boxes.
Plants. Many plants with small flowers suitable for flower boxes in the windows. You can also use the height together with creepers -. Ivy, petunias, impatiens, lobelia, jasmine nightshade Vertical plants are also needed to balance Geraniums, marigolds, topiary evergreens, ornamental grasses and even small roses can be grown to provide height and interest. Use plants that do not exceed one third of the height of the window grow, if they appear to be large and imposing, not sexy. Flair Iron Antique Accents Installation. There are a few options. Some boxes have L-shaped clamps, fixed with wooden pegs under the edge of the window. If you prefer to attach the clips to masonry or stucco, and then use a drill for masonry. If you buy boxes ready to use flowers, place them in the center under the window. They must be wider than the window protection window – the width of the window and from 10 to 15 cm. The smaller sizes are not proportional. The usual depth is 20 cm, of course, you can order the carpenter different depths depending on the window. Sensual aroma to your living room Growth points. Make sure the flower boxes are installed before installing, because they are too heavy for the transfer and installation time. Use good quality potting soil and fertilizer plants feed every watering. For dry or succulent plants such as cactus you buy proper grounding. A picturesque combination Irrigation and fertilization. Irrigation is the type of crops and sunlight they are exposed. The more sun in the fields, irrigation often need flowers. In general, most farmers need time to be cast in the week – with grass Spengerwirt the first floor and the upper floors for sprinklers and drip irrigation for each planter. There are boxes with self-irrigation system, water is stored below and used for the next two weeks -. Ideal for busy people or for your holiday period stimulate red and yellow lemon Fertilization with soluble agents in water once or twice a month is good, so that the flowers are green, flowers and lush. Style. The flower boxes in the windows are loose a stimulant, and naturally belong to the country house style. Depending on the material and plants, but they can look elegant, formal, smooth and shiny or chic and trendy.
Wooden boxes painted with a mixture of plants and colorful annuals look loose traditionally black iron boxes with Evergreen impressive and white flowers and ivy see more formal. A contemporary look, you can make wooden boxes neutral planted with ornamental grasses or small cactus. Use a style of your home as a starting point and align it with the flower boxes adaptive window