Gartengestaltung - Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season

Gardening in autumn – you know what to do now so that you retain the beauty of your garden?

In autumn, it is time to "verify" the situation in the garden. It examines whether the plants are burned because of the great heat, if animals have led the damage and if the weed is about out of control. Exposure

How own backyard prepared for the fall.

Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season When autumn comes, you must request a refresh. Because the garden also has something to offer this season. Browse the garden to the problem areas in my garden, I always start with the "look" for problems. The grass is green this year with diligent watering. But there were a lot of dead plants that you had to turn away. It should continue to remove weeds and neglected areas can be revitalized. Enjoy the sunny autumn day in the garden Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season When you look at the outer region, it would look at all areas in the yard exactly. This also includes those without grass. Weeds and large plants unfurl the stony paths. Sometimes it is worth removing the stones and restore grass and stones. Remove weeds Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season The boundaries between the different gravel roads should be clearly defined. Then check the health of the vegetation. Is it too close to the weed plants grow? Are there any copies that, at some point develop bad? See before small improvements, which can facilitate the growth of your flowers need special care in the autumn Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Maybe you need to convert the plant to a new location? Do you have shelves: tolerance sun should at the highest level. Do not worry about this error, what you are doing. You can learn a lot from him. Plants in stone molds grow wonderfully with sunlight exposure Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Maintain grass, gravel areas and ways After the first steps above then you aware of the amount and type of work. You should be aware that all areas require immediate treatment. Given the fact that in the winter, everything is covered with snow and small plants grow, you do not have any holes already covered with earth. This leaves you prefer for spring! Save yourself unnecessary work! Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season In my case, I'd rather pay more attention to areas of pebbles. Weed permanently attached and mixed with stones in different areas. Refreshments, pots beauties Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season With grass and fields of stones in good shape, then it is some time. Then you can spend the funny things. For me personally, it is the plants in pots. Do you like cactus? Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season You want to equip your table in outer space with greenery? Below, we see a pot of mint with succulents. They are beautiful and very easy to maintain. Succulents are easy to care for plants in summer and winter Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season You can also a chic and modern combination that they have below, which were achieved by the gray flower pot? Now you have time. Enjoy the beauty of flowers all year potted Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Maybe you have been neglected in some plants in flower pots and are then outgrew their pots? Put them in order! Large plants Flowerpot have a refreshing and use of accents Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Do you want a little more color in your life? Even then, you can enhance the charm of autumn with a few plants with vibrant colors. The new season requires a new selection. Why not give yourself a little extra joy on Gerbera by Gänsteblühmchen. Red and Orange are among the most beautiful warm colors of autumn Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season The fall colors are irresistible and contrast their own green leaves is refreshing beautiful. If you install new plants, the contrast is particularly strong to take into account. A good example can be seen in the image below. You see a plant of the grass, which is complemented by the burgundy color and wheat. You see in the context of super glue well. It is time for the shades of autumn Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Another good choice for fall is the Croton. The leaves are full of reds, oranges and yellows and they play with the green is super well together. The splendor of the warm colors of autumn Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Beautify your porch porch Give the same attention that the Court itself. You probably improve outdoor seating, especially when many parties occurred. funds can be found in the respective stores. Consider also the role of garden furniture Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Maybe you have to line the new seat cushion. You can change the color on this occasion. More it costs no more than a couple of days. Fill yourself comfortable in your own garden Efficient Gardening in Autumn - prepare your yard for the winter season Now you've done it all! Sit back and enjoy the colors and the fresh, changing rapidly autumn air!