Dismembered: Creative modular wooden table by Min I Day Designer Studio.

Dismembered: Creative modular wooden table a day I Min Designer Studio

Who needs and dislikes multifunctional furniture? Today, we certainly have a preference for them. But rarely has a variety of furniture such as that shown in the following figure. They are individually decorated and you can take apart and tinker together again like a puzzle. If they are combined, they form a coffee table and they can be separated as a function of the tower as chairs and tables are used.

The object is called "stones" and consists of several different parts

It may represent an organic form, a three-dimensional piece of art or even a series of home accessories. All parts of the table are fixed vertically, but against the side edges of plywood were exposed to a striking effect. Natural surfaces, in contrast to the primary colors and sharp cutting side. They convey the same time, the sense of chaos and order, as we focus on what the details are cooperating. Is the purpose of the table after you were looking for? If this is the case, you can buy it on the site I Day Min. This furniture has a scientific basis and that the mathematical algorithm tessellation All parts of the table are fixed vertically Serve as a stool parts separately and attached to each other to form a coffee table The rooms are designed differently Insert attractive for modern interior