Classic pendant lights a new interpretation
Each of us knows old houses or in the movies, large fires metalworking. Today, they still exist and are also super helpful. As we discussed the issue once new ideas, most people believe that the first association that comes to view is a workshop. Thus it goes well with the industrial look. However, with this lamp, which we will present to you today the way will change the way you perceive it. This went on for at least we. Let's start with the fact that this type of lighting has long ceased to be regarded as a classic. Tommaso Caldera "translated" into modernity. He named his new job TULL light. A model was developed for the company Incript. He used a swirling aluminum trays used. Ultimately, it is a perfect combination of classic design and modern feel, right?
The design Tull suspensions can be purchased in various modern colors
Unlike the original version of the cage is not designed to protect the bulb. On the contrary, we have in this case involving a sculptural detail. Architectural & Design Lighting and furniture design
Set there is the shadow caused by the light. We saw it and we believe it: you're unique. It looks deceptively simple from this lamp that can only imagine the amount of work actually behind it. The designer has all this effort and imagination applied to the design of these modern lights. Designers Tommaso Caldera on configuration The designer thus characterized his career just by the modern approach to traditional metal works. Ask Imagine how this lamp will look at the kitchen island. And it would go out for a great picture, if one were to use a few of these hanging lamps design in different colors together. Classic and modern at the same time There is a lot of work in this project designer