Badezimmer - Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom?

Design with colors: red hues that suit your bathroom?

If you know the popularity of the red color produced in the design of good restaurants? This is very often applied to the walls. One reason is the universal application of the red color on all the walls. In addition, this color goes well with different skin types. Probably the owners hope to your satisfaction at the sight in the mirror. On the other hand the choice of the red color is complex in small areas. Not exactly it works well in small bathrooms. During the warm colors contribute to a visual extension, the red leaves the room seems rather small. But it will also contribute to a feeling of warmth, protection and comfort. Are you a fan of minimalist rooms? The color red is significant avoid sterile and rigid appearance. A number of options when it comes to the color red. You can choose a natural red or a soft shadow. You can also choose a shade of blue or mixed with another that goes to fuchsia or burgundy. Sometimes you have many layers of red color applied to completely cover the wall. Exposure

In this picture we see a beautiful mosaic of red pieces in different shades

Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? The wall seems to have an inner glow. Do you want a filet of red wine and you want a bright and spacious appearance yet? You can verschränkenden effect of red color with good lighting offset the red -. Orange walls and modern chic look, especially in combination with white, gray and black Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? The following figure mixed orange-red color with wood and bronze. They accentuate the warm and comfortable appearance Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? I'm a big fan of the tiles, but I'm also looking for alternatives to this. Many people do not like them because of cracks must be clean. For many areas would also commercial epoxy paint. Through it creates water repellent surfaces, which can be easily clean. Not only stylish, but also practical Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? I love this elegant bathroom in the following figure. We have a bit of backstory mortar applied on the tiles to make a difference and not seem so great Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? You can also opt for the varied appearance in the next frame, and provided that the white surface with a couple of strong red accents Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? It would be a very effective yet inexpensive alternative. Do you like this red painted bathroom? I am personally rather reacted negatively to the first sight. The combination with dark red discolored wall but I find really exciting Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? Then, en suite with dazzling dramatic accent wall is arranged with red mosaic tiles and orange by Ward-Young Architecture & Planning
Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? You also love the contrast between the warm colors of the walls and cabinets wooden toilet. They fall beautifully against the backdrop of the eye stainless steel basin and accessories complete bathrooms. How do you see the hot red? Have you ever ventured a design in their shades? Or would you rather do that after today's post? Extreme Minimalist gray wall Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? Soft, silky and elegant red Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom? Brilliant red wine with beautiful chandeliers and ornate mirrors Design with Color: When to use red in the bathroom?