Decorating idea for the kitchen: the industrial look.
It's not just New York, "industrial loft" look is trendy! Around the shops in the province, there are small convenience stores or supermarkets, ideas deco industrial look are available. That is, we do not have all the means to repeat our kitchen, add a wall, and change the furniture and cabinets in favor of creating an industrial look. Here are some tips to cost to re-create the atmosphere of a New York loft.


A key element in creating an industrial look suspensions Select here directly from a gym or a NNNEI station. Many aftershocks today's standards actually Electrical Code available. Please select lamps good sizes, because they fill the air space above the countertops.

Work surfaces

Metal, galvanized steel and the "stainless steel" are the most versatile and remember those viennnent more commercial restaurants surfaces. Mixing it with white cabinets or wood to compensate for the look and add a warm touhe piece we do not want institutionally.


Question to keep everything on the lowest price, opt for open shelving or metal storage systems for restaurants. They will provide the perfect perch, your pretty accessories and kitchenware on display. But be careful, here the processing and orderly storage is the key.