Gartengestaltung - Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh Exposure

Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh

The natural beauty is quite unexpected. Kristin Hughes discovered in a vacant lot behind his house in Pittsburgh. She decided to develop as a community garden of 330 square meters in area. With the help of students in the school and the organization grow Pittsburgh made the beds brick home demolished and geschenktem wood. Now flowering in the garden and horseradish, sweet potatoes, asparagus, purple magic beans, herbs, blueberries, cassis and fruit trees. Master champion Lauren McLaughlin and John gave this great mosaic of octopus and the community has identified the body Octopus Garden. Overlooking the garden Location: Pittsburgh neighborhood Friendship size: 330 square feet Budget: 15 families and 87 donors contributing to this letter yellow metal garden this community that welcomes visitors with a friendly "ho" in a simple gazebo Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh Show It was a difficult start for the garden, but after four years of trial and error Hughes was finally a magical place you gestalten.Errichten your own gazebo Mosaic Octopus Octavia stands proudly in the middle of the garden. Edible nasturtiums are planted around Gartengestaltung - Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh Learn more about edible flowers grown! A sign hangs on a telephone pole "Attention tomatoes." Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh The support of this community garden follows the following four principles: "Nature is our teacher. Sustainability is a community practice. The real world is the best environment for learning, sustainable living means knowing a place well-founded. "The personal department Hughes includes kale, zucchini and lemon Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh It hopes that the garden can do for students in years five fruits and vegetables.
Students of culinary club in Pittsburgh have made this banner fabric. The garden is a creative canvas where kids learn where their food comes from. Each month will be held in the evenings theme of the garden, each guest brings food with herbs from the garden for four people Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh Eggs fruits bloom in summer. Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh Vegetables in cold seasons is horseradish, and wild asparagus. The garden continues to thrive with the help of local actions, such as buckets to collect rainwater Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh In a bed of herbs and medicinal flowers are planted, which can be used for cooking or for handmade soaps Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh Hudges shows cassis. Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh There is still a mosaic in the garden. It will be a sea creature, its head will collect rainwater, which then flows into a small garden Cool art in the municipal garden in Pittsburgh His nostrils caught wind noise, and the eyes of sunlight during the night. Now tell us about your experiences of gardening? Also tell them if you saw a large garden in your community? We welcome your message!