Contemporary rugs from Rug Company.

Today, we examine the carpet as a work of contemporary art

It is hardly a better example than the works of Rug Company. They are unique and super original. They are a sign of wealth and good taste. The company was founded in 1997 by designer Christopher and Suzanne Sharp. Today in this company on 166o people are employed, including suppliers and the people who make the rugs themselves. It has been done for many years until now different types of carpet. They show a different style and have a varied appearance. A typical example is the high quality and exclusive writing hand. Exposure

Contemporary rugs

Below, we see a very trendy model. Its designer Tim Gosling It was produced from cotton and silk Tibetan, which were created by a master of Kathmandu. In addition, it has many carpet styles in which the technique of artistic collection of leather pieces So is the case with the carpet you see in the image below. Among the most interesting facts is the way how to cooperate with the designer It is not limited to the young and local, but look for talent worldwide. Among the most interesting names include Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Diane von Furstenberg. The design elements Carpet Company traditions of different peoples from all over the world are mixed They also always have a very interesting history. For example, he often drew inspiration from the things that have been observed, for example, during a trip a few days before the project. What is a story behind a carpet, you can find on the Web site of the company A good example of this is Mamounia Sky. This rug was designed by Martyn Lawrence – Bullard created. He created the concept after a trip to Morocco. Some of the rugs are so skillfully that you can attach a picture or decoration on the wall Check below No wonder lush images in the interior design, which could occur. Therefore, you will find on the screen the works of Rug Company repeatedly in the galleries Antique interior – red curtains