Colors for kitchen walls – Update your kitchen with bright color accents
We all know that the practical function of the rear walls in the kitchen. They serve to protect the wall from contamination. But it is also a wonderful opportunity to add a touch more color in your home inside. In many places with a miserable climate, for which the typical gray and dark days, you can use them very well. Create a striking accent by installing a vapor summarize green back wall to ceiling height wall. Best of all walls, which distribute kitchen cabinets above acts. So you can enjoy the best effect. Exposure
15 large green back to the kitchen
I think the mixture of green and wood creates a very organic atmosphere that soothes the senses. Create an inviting atmosphere with the color of green and natural wood
I love this show as a large linear tile a wonderful blend of shades. Mirror Tile light green
Backplane similar view Bedrosians company. I want the following example for two main reasons: Due to the opening of the outside area and because of the beautiful green color, which mimics the perfect shade of tree leaves. The black stripes restricts the spread of a bold hue and fits very well with the wood tones of the floor and tables. Fresh, green ideas for your kitchen
The tiles here are the work of the society and Glasshues accent strip was created by Barcode Barracuda in. Looking for equipment for the kitchen back wall? Now you can get the tiles in any color. Various materials, shapes and sizes are also available. I'm a big fan of the triangle tiles, which show a wonderful vintage modern character. In search of material for the kitchen back wall
This wall back here was offered by Pierre Iceland. Large tiles are becoming increasingly popular. You certainly have largely their fresh colors. But you know what family member has chosen this? It was two year old son to the kitchen, is already a breeze
The wall is a product of Walker Zanger. What a fantastic grass-green color! It illuminates and enlivens the kitchen and even the cold winter days and dark. You can find this line of tile many variations, as well as in interesting shapes and colors. It was also partly created from recycled materials. It works well in kitchens of various styles. This backplane is clearly one of my favorites. What a fantastic grass green color!
It is the work of the company Fireclay Tile. If you opt for a bold green color, you should try to understand them through various details in the room. To achieve a balance and cohesion in space. You can search for products with similar colors. It does not matter if some of these colors are darker or lighter. You can also go to the furniture or fabric store with a tile to make sure you choose the right products. Provide the clearing and cohesion
The back wall is where the company Heath Ceramics. If you are looking for a softer, sweeter tone, you also have many options available. Lighter and thinner appearance must be combined with surfaces with Gloss. This will contribute to an interesting and high gloss texture. The tiles here play wonderfully with brown cabinets and neutral surface of the light. Bright kitchen back wall of bright green tiles
We have here to do with shading Green Bottle Corporation Olympia Tile + Stone. Here we have another glass surface of green color. This particular form of shading can be defined as neutral. You can add this wonderfully different, bolder color accents. An example of this is the red-orange hue of the fantastic kitchen island. Glass-green soft surface
The surface was created by ceramic and glass Inter style. Here we see handmade tiles that show subtle color variation. They provide a warm and charming appearance in the large kitchen. White and green create a soothing atmosphere
Ceramic tiles can be purchased at the Water Works Company. The back wall has a beautiful shine and texture that complement the wonderful light green accents. Thus, it creates a light and airy kitchen. A palette of harmonious colors
This is the color Onyx Pendant Walker Zanger. My favorite interior design style is contemporary with industrial and rural accents. You have very much elegance and warmth. The kitchen is a wonderful way to prairie and style with its own horizontal lines and minimalist. Here we see the beamed ceilings, recycled wood color inside the metal frame on the kitchen island and vintage metal chairs. All of these are ideal decorative elements. Put a color contrast
No seals fancy? Look for a clear and present alternative tiles? Drag a glass surface in front of a painted wall account! Such a surface can be easily clean and emits a modern contemporary. The back wall is made of wood painted in light green
Why did you leave the glass and tiles not completely and not just remove the wall in a funny color? In this case, I recommend a short rear wall to achieve a finished look. How do you like the idea? Not bad, right?