Chapütschin and Gion – Wooden Planters Ideas.

Wood Planters ideas – drawings and Gion Chapütschin

Chapütschin and Gion planters are designed by Rezo Design to remind different plants in real life. They are excellent examples of how plants can grow through cracks in the rock. But here they are made of wood instead of stone. This makes them ideal not only for decoration terrace, but you can also use as planters inside. There is no information about it, but on the website designer, there are some ideas underground irrigation system. If you want to know how this design Rezo works, you may know that they are bestellen- of the Alps Pour it available Chapütschin creative ideas -. Wood Planters Ad contemporary decor – Pots Designer Spotlight Current ideas – design wooden flower pots Interesting decorating ideas for your home or garden