Bulletin board decoration for the office.
To cease to be vain processed in the mail, shopping list, the use of child time or important information about your current project; Today I offer you a simple DIY aesthetic and practical. In fact, through the use of some clipboards, their use has been somewhat diverted DecoBoard for office, it will be easier to have everything that is important in the eyes. Personally, I've decided to put it in my desk in front of me, so you do not misplace or forget anything. Well! Armistice waffle, my explanation Screenshots For DIY project I start, you have to.:

  • Clipboards
  • Pencil
  • Clears
  • Acrylic paint (color of choice)
  • Brush
  • X-acto
  • Tape (duct tape)
  • Ruler
  • Trace circles (or other drawing tool)
  • Varnish or Mod Podge

Step 1: Draw, draw your shapes, drawings in pencil. To guide you, you can markings that will pull clear before painting. Step 2: Mask with tape, the places you do not want to cover with paint. Step 3: Paint your forms to the color of your choice by diluting your color more or less, depending on the desired effect. (Here I diluted white acrylic paint I. Were I a slight contrast to the natural color of my clipboard that I wanted to keep). Step 4: Let the first layer dry. Once dry, the number of actions considered necessary in order to achieve the desired result layers and then just remove the masking tape before everything is completely dry. Once your painted shelves, you can if you want, protect the surface with Mod Podge or painted (easier to wash). Step 5: Hang it on the wall to your remembrance Deco Tips & Tricks to design!:

  • When the paint under the tape drooled can you scrape off the burrs carefully with an X-acto.
  • Remove the tape before the paint dries sometimes prevents one to leave the band.
  • To better define shapes or patterns, the use of a gel pen effect relief (Style Gelly Roll blown) help.
  • You can clipboards upholstery fabrics, wallpapers, decorative napkins, paper scrapbooking, photos, etc. The possibilities are endless. Let your creativity!
  • Whether you use paint or paper, I advise you to your work with a varnish or Mod Podge (mast, semi-gloss, gloss and you) hide. Let dry for at least ten days prior to use.
  • Pissttt! You can also pay something other than paper or invoices show. And photos, color maps is provided by your budding artist design, small sweet words to brighten your desktop! And since nothing is final, you can make your desires sandstone will reveal what you want.

Good DIY!