It is sometimes enough to turn almost everything a well-organized, but a bit boring, in a space where life is good design. Here are four examples that will inspire you.
The room: a bed bedside table, a cozy duvet and a lamp … all there. But this space is not perspire heat and personality. A few rolls of wallpaper later pillows with geometric patterns that follow the same power, without "Matcher" and some accessories … and voila, creates a warm now from this room. Decorating tips - Before & AfterBefore & After The Show: The sectional sofa is now very trendy, but often plays a major role in space and becomes the center of it without a lot of visual interest. It reduces the size of the panels with graphics and live-curtains (not states), add texture to the room. Then we play patterns on the carpet and pillows to complete with the addition of a chair or to those guests who can not be accommodated as "thread rank onion" on our large cut in the holidays. Before & AfterBefore & After The dinette table A window has actually lighten the space of noon narrow corner of his virtues. Simple and elegant chairs complement each other perfectly and maintain it as easily. A rug under the table and a colorful tablecloth are transforming the only two accessories that little corner living room pleasant and friendly. Before & AfterBefore & After
The corner office (or guest room) A sofa-bed, a desk for occasional work and a bunch of everything we do not know where in the home often put at the end in the guest room. To him the look of a room in its own right, rather than a store that you choose a color on the walls, which invites you to linger. This ocher color is very modern and warm roll the room suddenly! Nobody BESOI to say that we a large clean every clutter around. This is Feng Shui to do and very good for morale! Then we said a few colorful accessories that are three (here is the yellow chick that was selected). Before & AfterBefore & After Happy decorating!