Bad Feng Shui bedroom destroyed your love life.

Bad Feng Shui bedroom destroyed the life of love

As a Feng Shui consultant, I was in more than 500 rooms, only some of which I would describe as good Feng Shui rooms in most flow dynamic love and sexual energy were really necessary. The room tends to be one of the most neglected rooms in the house while it is really the most important room Feng Shui. Here is a Feng Shui Quick Guide, and we hope you will follow them. The most important question: Do you really use Feng Shui to destroy your love life?
Many spontaneous answer to this question, saying only: "How":

Chaotic office – no order

Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – first tip: Create a home office in your bedroom. Pay particular attention to all surfaces of papers, folders, sticky drawings there. If you have an old computer that no longer works, dirty, messy Feng Shui, it is ideal to have it in your room / home office, if your work computer is not working properly and you can use your old broken immediately. in the bedroom Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – second tip: Bring sport equipment inside. Exercise equipment in your bedroom is your love life strong determined.
Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – third tip: Do not forget the television. A large television must necessarily be very close to your bed Discover new at least 30 minutes every night just before going to bed The bed in the corner of the square room Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – Fourth Tip: Ask for pictures of all your friends and Familienmitgleder ideally several generations, so they look for your love life bad Feng Shui Bedroom – Fifth Tip :. Place all the memories of your ex-boyfriend / in under the bed. Plug it really tight so that there is no free space below, and then you put a little ugly and dirty room -. Bad Feng Shui Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – Sixth tip: Paint your room dark or with splashes of color, be creative with your costume and Halloween accessories.
Bad Bedroom Feng Shui – seventh Tip: Bring all your dying plants, large and small, either in pots or chipped pots previous yogurt. Set the plants so they are the first thing you see in the morning, and the last – before you go to bed No order and organization on the desk in the bedroom. Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – eighth Tip: Forget the tables and just crush the bed in one corner. Place a gay graceful Pooh pillow on the bed Ask the pillow so that it faces the door and welcomes you every time you go inside. Acting ugly and uncomfortable room design Bad Feng Shui Bedroom – ninth Tip: Do not open the windows and let in the daylight flood it! Keep energy as old as possible. Ultimately, but that says your personal energy is related to the ambient energy? Absolutely not. Some mandarins are all that will enhance your love life. Now if you find the right place to display, then your soul mate will be with you in no time. Seriously! Oh really? Chaotic and confused Bright and pleasant, but chaotic and messy