Architecture for Dogs – strange beds, kennels and toys.

Designer collection assembled by Kenya Hara dogs

Do you have a pet? If yes, then you are at right place. Have you ever thought to design an original piece of furniture for your critters? Japanese designer Kenya Hara has designed a project that is referred to as "architecture for dogs" – a fine selection of homes and beds for our pets favorite company. Hara has worked with 11 architects in mind, and they all decided for her to make furniture for a particular breed of dog. Then the corners designers recovery and cookies created because of the peculiarities of this breed of dog behavior. Last December, "Architecture for dogs" Miami has been issued and you plan, this collection continues to evolve by experimenting with new designs and architectural designs. Check our position today and see for yourself the benefits of "Architecture for dogs!".

Architecture for Dogs

Display a hammock for your dog Compact niche wood Orange nests suspended playground equipment and installation, which was cooled by a few flower pots Ergonomic chair mounted for special races Wooden structure for Dog games Soft, comfortable white sofa Stage and improvised red carpet This installation is formed as a labyrinth With the dog in a stroller walk (even with a sun protection) walk