You feel close … yet shy at the moment, especially with the "cold" of the past days, but spring is coming. Decorating tips - A breath of spring After winter and spring cleaning, how to bring some novelty in our house this year? A breath of spring Color and even the color: It is often opts for a series of "neutral" colors on the walls of the house for the purpose of resale, or simply because we are afraid of the wrong and repent. Okay, the reason, may prevail if it wishes on the subject, but the heart must take precedence over the decorative details! Decorative pillows, a painted wall color of a vitamin, dishtowels color, or a work of art alive and full of all colors is life to add to your decor otherwise sober. A breath of springA breath of spring Let us shine: placed by accents of silver, gold, bronze, or by the reflection of a mirror at right angles to a window, you may want to check light coming through refilling small bright jewels. A note here is often said that to light up a room then a mirror across from him … this is actually a mistake, because the light will be directly in front of and not reflected on the other walls of the room. Instead, opt for the 90-degree angle. A breath of spring Let the Garden: You have certainly heard me (or read) that a scene is never without fresh flowers or silk. Now spring is the best time to make a habit. Wild or cultivated, potted or cut flowers add a sweet scent in the room, as well as a splash of color. A breath of spring Play with texture: If simple pillows are not satisfactory enough, as spring transformation, I will suggest alternatives a little more demanding in terms of time and budget, but with a result that will go through the season and add value to your property. This year we see a lot of creativity and innovation in the department of tiles and carpets. Geometric patterns, textures and gloss levels and Multi-tone striping are honored to inspire the consumer. A breath of springA breath of spring No matter which way you choose, this spring, not in the color and texture in your home. You will see the effect will also be observed that a week's holiday in the sun … almost. And what you want to imagine a spring rating at home this season? A breath of spring