Architektur - 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs

Green Roofs – Learn more about green roofs

There are so many different names for these plants respectful of the environment – the green roof. They also come in many places and in homes. Always popular are not only facilities but also misconceptions that are associated with it. The three most common that I have dedicated today's article. I'm curious if you agree with me. The green cover bases are plants that promote the development of vegetation. They consist of an impermeable layer with water, the root of the barrier, and the drainage system of the growth promoting agent. It also has variants "intensification" in which there are several extras. Exposure

Green roof with beautiful colorful foam

6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Do you know the broad term "green roof"? In this case, it is a structure that is thinner and recalls normal ceiling. Often, it is planted with sedum. These limits are native plants for most to see. This could be either grass, flowers and cash verscheidender genre.

Thus, a green roof is perfectly rustic facades

6 Mythical ideas about green roofs The myths we come now to the myths that lead to confusion when it comes to the ceiling. Myth # 1. If it was a new and experimental trend. In what year do you back the installation of green blankets? A 1940! At the conference of the International Association Green blankets in Hamburg visited three factories in 1943 Wohldorf-Ohlstedt. Many green homes have a green roof 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Myth #. 2 green ceiling only part of the Green Building green cover surely have a great value in terms of environmental protection. But they also fit perfectly with a conventional home. The following images show the high aesthetic value of green plants, both when you also, when you look out the window of his own heaven. Last but not least, it is good insulation, reducing energy costs 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs rooftop luxury in the heart of the city 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Green roofs provide additional oxygen in urban areas 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Moss and succulents are perfect for green roofs 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Myth #. 3 green caps cause structural problems due to the structure, which was explained above, there is no reason for concern. Quite the contrary – they provide additional protection given during the installation must have been right! 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Some green cover, there are pebble borders that protect the plant against windy areas. This should not be. It is an individual decision. A vegetable garden on the roof 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Good insulation is essential 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Modern architects are familiar with building regulations and they know when something affects the security of the home or area of your ceiling. Having a separate area on the roof 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs The ceiling of the retro style require some extra attention in this regard 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Myth #. 4 green caps are difficult and expensive because of the irrigation Here the same rules as in the garden. If you opt for the native species, it will pass through the training, the rain that falls enough water. You can plant beautiful flowers on the roof 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Irrigation is here no more complicated than in the garden 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Drag a drainage layer into account. It can collect water that plants can then use again. To substantially reduce the need for additional watering. You can convert the ceiling in a green system that improves quality of life 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Watershed Society Seattle has a similar approach. You can by these plants also attract many insects. Myth. 5, you can easily hinbringen some of his own filth on the ceiling to create a green plant. Always clean and tidy 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Under no circumstances should you do it! The green roof is a sound investment only if the structure of the house has been well considered and corresponding structural elements are present. Hardy plants, such as sedum and succulents for a successful roof Justification 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs For the summer season, it can also go lush 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Myth # 6. The green cover is too expensive and complicated. This should not be. You just need good enough looking for good professionals in your area. Best Buy package, which includes annual maintenance. So you have a large garden on the roof without problems 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Ask the Experts 6 Mythical ideas about green roofs Have you ever had a green blanket account? Now you can see that you have nothing to fear from a green roof.