Küche - 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture

Kitchen interior design – ideas country style

When it comes to interior design, you must know the architectural style of your home will dictate your choice. If your apartment is designed in a transitional style. You tend probably the modern and elegant style of life. A bungalow may be, for example, accessories and home furnishings DIY Prima minimalist style. And if you live on land or in the woods, you will not go wrong with the country style.
Here, we show you some tips on how to make the house modern country kitchen. Connects very often at home with country style area where you live. To create a rustic touch in the kitchen, you can be inspired by nature outside. Kitchen cabinets are natural wood theme for this lifestyle. This also applies to the floor, it should be in line with the kitchen furniture. Try connecting the color system in the room with the natural environment if it is to see beautiful views of the nature of the house. The design of the southwest, rural requires red, green and brown colors. The color palette typical country house style shows light blue, orange and yellow tones. Exposure

50 modern country house kitchens to your attention

Küchen - 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Hickory, alder and cherry wood are the types that you can install in the rustic kitchen. But none of these woods may represent the rural charm and jaw. Your wood textures ranging from dark orange to dark brown. kitchen cabinets, countertops and kitchen islands. Wood heart pine is an absolute must in a country style. Just ask the manufacturer of knotty pine. Many kitchens set up in other lifestyles we show floor, but hardwood is essential to the country style! Opt for a natural shine without soil. Pine is still the best choice – pine is sensitive, smooth, lasts long on the floor boards and large beams storage in the kitchen. Wohnideen - 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture The wooden beams on the ceiling must necessarily be issued, which provides the rustic feeling. Strut bar works and can be seen in most modern kitchens country. Best of all, these insertions are not expensive, but cheap and easy to find. Some prefabricated bar is all you need. They look like the real ones, but do not support. Keep the natural look of the room. For this purpose, the timber is more than the tile or linoleum. Use other natural materials to complement the style of the country. Pierre is an excellent choice for kitchen countertops and there are many colors and patterns from which you can choose. Wrought iron suitable for kitchens country house, if you add flower pots, cookbooks and more bread boxes .. Light colors and traditional solutions 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Light Blue Kitchen Cabinets 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Transition style – rustic and modern at the same time 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Plank 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Significant ornaments 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Assembly and storage system 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Notable ceiling 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Chandeliers – Classic Design 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Objective and robust 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture China patterns and colors – that a nice kitchen 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Fresh spring decoration for the table dining 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Pattern yellow 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Suspensions in the dining room – rustic and monochromatic 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Shade Rattan 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Systems in the country kitchen 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture wall shelf shows beautiful decorative objects in the kitchen – the kitchen you like? 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Wall -Schreibtafel 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Displays rustic motifs typical here 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Comfortable and traditional 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Planning a practical kitchen 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Solid, robust surfaces 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture From floor to ceiling rear kitchen wall and the wall shelves, where the plates are maintained 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture The room kitchen utensils and plates on the shelves 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Rattan baskets here and there add to the rustic charm 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture wall shelves and bar look authentic cuisine 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Fresh Flowers for rooms 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Rustic kitchen cabinet 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Modern country kitchen 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Kitchen furniture in solid pine 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture design stone wall 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Cover glass all over the room 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Upper kitchen cabinets and stone worktop 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Establishment of a small kitchen in a rustic style 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Modern and rustic at the same time 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Old, worn kitchen drawers – the control system 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Stable kitchen furniture reminiscent of ancient times Küchen - 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Cute kitchen equipment 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Old and conventionally 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Materials that are necessary for a country kitchen – wood and stone 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Red leather chairs contrast with the whole country style here 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Rustic sink 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Black, sophisticated wall 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Blue, bright kitchen cabinets – wall mirror with gilt frame 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Fresh fruit on the dining table 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Black tiles – scullery bright wall 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Persian Rug Oriental works here 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture As a grocery store in the country 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture Worn and the country sees the small kitchen here 50 modern country house kitchens - kitchen design, rustic kitchen furniture https://fbcdn-sphotos-ga.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/s526x395/1240513_602555006495482_652761223_n.jpg