24 cool vintage flower pots in the garden.

Select amazing, species of fresh flowers

The variety of styles and vintage rustic look just beautiful in a garden. It gives character and retro atmosphere at the same time. It is also very easy to grow these. All you need to add some details about these styles. For example, you can create a bit of vintage charm with flower pots. Here are some suggestions on how you can create this look in the garden. Most pots are handmade and are easy to tinker with old fabrics, materials, boxes, vases and other objects. Enjoy our ideas of life! Exposure

Cool Vintage Pots

View Color Purple – flowers and cool exterior surfaces Extraordinary way to grow plants The stairs to the front door – that watering flower vases Bright and fresh colors – spring mood Small but remarkable Vertical garden design – wooden pallets Flowerpots timber frame Yellow ceramic pot as a vase of flowers , Traditional rustic baskets , Purple chair Massive The bucket made ​​of metal Use metal buckets as planters Splendor of colors and flowers wooden window boxes Hanging metal bucket Worn, wooden box reuse Rustic ambience in the courtyard Different species of plants and flowers Fresh and bright colors Metal tank – unique plant species Stand improvised flower pots Drinking tea in the afternoon outdoors