10 furniture designs from antique wood – rustic style.

10 designs of antique wooden furniture

These people, the old materials, used items and / or reusable parts of furniture to choose to equip their homes, just to explain, if you are then asked why they do such a thing. Their answers are usually very logical: why the need to create something new useless if what you need has already been done and it just needs a certain affinity for the thing to do it usable again? Antique wood as are the buyers 'new' furniture as possible, the beauty and majesty of old wood amazing and beautiful to enjoy without having to sacrifice a new tree so. In addition, most of the pieces of furniture that have been created from discarded materials or recycled through several stories that are related to them, a topic of conversation. In today's gallery, we present a dozen items, from the most traditional rooms very clean, modern and almost Edison-esque in place. And who knows what could be the next reincarnation of each of these pieces? Exposure

wine barrel bar stools designed by Hayneedle

Naoki bed André Jewel Table and benches Hudson room furniture recovered Gothic dining table recovered by mortise and tenon Antique wooden chest by Woodland Creek Furniture Wooden chair recovered Gürsan Ergil Antique wooden tables Broyhill T Table and Stool by Jay Sanders Antique oak furniture by Cliff Spencer