DIY - Do it yourself - DIY table lamp with base from books The old table lamp could get a whole new look and effect. It is modern, most comprehensive art and exceptional. Your house would be a different and strange appearance, which would be you and your friends please. To craft you need a few simple elements, but very important and you should follow the following steps. Materials: 1 Construction metal from an old lamp
2. Some books with thick envelopes
3. Spray the color combination of metallic construction, if the colors are different and inappropriate
5. Some screws
6.Kabel bulb socket, electric switch and plug the steps and figures are presented below. Exposure

DIY table lamp with a base of books

DIY table lamp with base from books 1. Paint the different elements in a color a bunch of old books DIY table lamp with base from books 2. Arrange the books you will use for the base of the lamp. All books piercing DIY table lamp with base from books 3. Drill so you can insert the metal structure in the middle books. Drill Book Centre DIY table lamp with base from books Choose books with thick Ümschlägen DIY table lamp with base from books 4. Attach the metal pipe at the lowest where the power cord will be developed. Easy DIY Project DIY table lamp with base from books Be careful when you tinker DIY table lamp with base from books Metal construction and pipe DIY table lamp with base from books 5. Assign each following book according to your desire and secure it with screws to the other books. Books arrange them according to your wishes DIY table lamp with base from books 6. Attach the last book with screws, but place it under the cover of the book. This will make it even more beautiful. Not only functional, but also beautiful crafts DIY table lamp with base from books 7. You are ready to organize other elements. Do not forget to change the cable on your new lamp. Our new creation in hand DIY table lamp with base from books